Source code for h2o.h2o

This module implements the communication REST layer for the python <-> H2O connection.

import os
import re
import urllib
from connection import H2OConnection
from job import H2OJob
from frame import H2OFrame
import h2o_model_builder

[docs]def import_file(path): """ Import a single file or collection of files. :param path: A path to a data file (remote or local). :return: A new H2OFrame """ paths = [path] if isinstance(path,str) else path return [ _import1(fname) for fname in paths ]
def _import1(path): j = H2OConnection.get_json(url_suffix="ImportFiles", path=path) if j['fails']: raise ValueError("ImportFiles of " + path + " failed on " + j['fails']) return j['keys'][0]
[docs]def upload_file(path, destination_key=""): """ Upload a dataset at the path given from the local machine to the H2O cluster. :param path: A path specifying the location of the data to upload. :param destination_key: The name of the H2O Frame in the H2O Cluster. :return: A new H2OFrame """ fui = {"file": os.path.abspath(path)} dest_key = H2OFrame.py_tmp_key() if destination_key == "" else destination_key H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="PostFile", file_upload_info=fui,destination_key=dest_key) return H2OFrame(text_key=dest_key)
[docs]def import_frame(path=None, vecs=None): """ Import a frame from a file (remote or local machine). If you run H2O on Hadoop, you can access to HDFS :param path: A path specifying the location of the data to import. :return: A new H2OFrame """ return H2OFrame(vecs=vecs) if vecs else H2OFrame(remote_fname=path)
[docs]def parse_setup(rawkey): """ :param rawkey: A collection of imported file keys :return: A ParseSetup "object" """ # So the st00pid H2O backend only accepts things that are quoted (nasty Java) if isinstance(rawkey, unicode): rawkey = [rawkey] j = H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="ParseSetup", srcs=[_quoted(key) for key in rawkey]) if not j['isValid']: raise ValueError("ParseSetup not Valid", j) return j
[docs]def parse(setup, h2o_name, first_line_is_header=(-1, 0, 1)): """ Trigger a parse; blocking; removeFrame just keep the Vec keys. :param setup: The result of calling parse_setup. :param h2o_name: The name of the H2O Frame on the back end. :param first_line_is_header: -1 means data, 0 means guess, 1 means header. :return: A new parsed object """ # Parse parameters (None values provided by setup) p = { 'delete_on_done' : True, 'blocking' : True, 'removeFrame' : True, 'hex' : h2o_name, 'ncols' : None, 'sep' : None, 'pType' : None, 'singleQuotes' : None, 'checkHeader' : None, 'chunkSize' : None } if isinstance(first_line_is_header, tuple): first_line_is_header = 0 if setup["columnNames"]: setup["columnNames"] = [_quoted(name) for name in setup["columnNames"]] p["columnNames"] = None if setup["columnTypes"]: setup["columnTypes"] = [_quoted(name) for name in setup["columnTypes"]] p["columnTypes"] = None # update the parse parameters with the parse_setup values p.update({k: v for k, v in setup.iteritems() if k in p}) p["checkHeader"] = first_line_is_header # Extract only 'name' from each src in the array of srcs p['srcs'] = [_quoted(src['name']) for src in setup['srcs']] # Request blocking parse j = H2OJob(H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="Parse", **p), "Parse").poll() return
def _quoted(key): is_quoted = len(re.findall(r'\"(.+?)\"', key)) != 0 key = key if is_quoted else "\"" + key + "\"" return key """ Here are some testing utilities for running the pyunit tests in conjunction with issues an ip and port as a string: "<ip>:<port>". The expected value of sys_args[1] is "<ip>:<port>" """ """ All tests MUST have the following structure: import sys sys.path.insert(1, "..") # may vary depending on this test's position relative to h2o-py import h2o def my_test(ip=None, port=None): ...test filling... if __name__ == "__main__": h2o.run_test(sys.argv, my_test) So each test must have an ip and port """
[docs]def run_test(sys_args, test_to_run): ip, port = sys_args[2].split(":") test_to_run(ip, port)
[docs]def remove(key): """ Remove key from H2O. :param key: The key pointing to the object to be removed. :return: Void """ H2OConnection.delete("Remove", key=key)
[docs]def rapids(expr): """ Fire off a Rapids expression. :param expr: The rapids expression (ascii string). :return: The JSON response of the Rapids execution """ return H2OConnection.post_json("Rapids", ast=urllib.quote(expr))
[docs]def frame(key): """ Retrieve metadata for a key that points to a Frame. :param key: A pointer to a Frame in H2O. :return: Meta information on the frame """ return H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/" + key)
[docs]def init(ip="localhost", port=54321): """ Initiate an H2O connection to the specified ip and port. :param ip: A IP address, default is "localhost". :param port: A port, default is 54321. :return: None """ H2OConnection(ip=ip, port=port) return None
[docs]def deeplearning(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a supervised Deep Learning model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) """ return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"deeplearning",kwargs)
[docs]def gbm(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a Gradient Boosted Method model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) """ return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"gbm",kwargs)
[docs]def glm(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a Generalized Linear Model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) """ return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"glm",kwargs)
[docs]def kmeans(x,validation_x=None,**kwargs): """ Build a KMeans model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) """ return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised_model_build(x,validation_x,"kmeans",kwargs)
[docs]def ddply(frame,cols,fun): return frame.ddply(cols,fun)
[docs]def network_test(): res = H2OConnection.get_json(url_suffix="NetworkTest") res["table"].show()
[docs]def locate(path): """ Search for a relative path and turn it into an absolute path. This is handy when hunting for data files to be passed into h2o and used by import file. Note: This function is for unit testing purposes only. :param path: Path to search for :return: Absolute path if it is found. None otherwise. """ tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()) possible_result = os.path.join(tmp_dir, path) while (True): if (os.path.exists(possible_result)): return possible_result next_tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(tmp_dir) if (next_tmp_dir == tmp_dir): return None tmp_dir = next_tmp_dir possible_result = os.path.join(tmp_dir, path)