The H2O Python Module

This module provides access to the H2O JVM (and extensions thereof), its objects, its machine-learning algorithms, and modeling support (basic munging and feature generation) capabilities.

The H2O JVM sports a web server such that all communication occurs on a socket (specified by an IP address and a port) via a series of REST calls (see for the REST layer implementation and details). There is a single active connection to the H2O JVM at any one time, and this handle is stashed away out of sight in a singleton instance of H2OConnection (this is the global __H2OConn__).

The H2O python module is not intended as a replacement for other popular machine learning modules such as scikit-learn, pylearn2, and their ilk. This module is a complementary interface to a modeling engine intended to make the transition of models from development to production as seamless as possible. Additionally, it is designed to bring H2O to a wider audience of data and machine learning devotees that work exclusively with Python (rather than R or scala or Java – which are other popular interfaces that H2O supports), and are wanting another tool for building applications or doing data munging in a fast, scalable environment without any extra mental anguish about threads and parallelism.

What is H2O?

H2O is a piece of java software for data modeling and general computing. There are many different views of the H2O software, but the primary view of H2O is that of a distributed (many machines), parallel (many CPUs), in memory (several hundred GBs Xmx) processing engine.

There are two levels of parallelism:

  • within node
  • across (or between) node.

The goal, remember, is to “simply” add more processors to a given problem in order to produce a solution faster. The conceptual paradigm MapReduce (also known as “divide and conquer and combine”) along with a good concurrent application structure (c.f. jsr166y and NonBlockingHashMap) enable this type of scaling in H2O (we’re really cooking with gas now!).

For application developers and data scientists, the gritty details of thread-safety, algorithm parallelism, and node coherence on a network are concealed by simple-to-use REST calls that are all documented here. In addition, H2O is an open-source project under the Apache v2 licence. All of the source code is on github, there is an active google group mailing list, our nightly tests are open for perusal, our JIRA ticketing system is also open for public use. Last, but not least, we regularly engage the machine learning community all over the nation with a very busy meetup schedule (so if you’re not in The Valley, no sweat, we’re probably coming to you soon!), and finally, we host our very own H2O World conference. We also sometimes host hack-a-thons at our campus in Mountain View, CA. Needless to say, there is a lot of support for the application developer.

In order to make the most out of H2O, there are some key conceptual pieces that are helpful to know before getting started. Mainly, it’s helpful to know about the different types of objects that live in H2O and what the rules of engagement are in the context of the REST API (which is what any non-JVM interface is all about).

Let’s get started!

The H2O Object System

H2O sports a distributed key-value store (the “DKV”), which contains pointers to the various objects that make up the H2O ecosystem. The DKV is a kind of biosphere in that it encapsulates all shared objects (though, it may not encapsulate all objects). Some shared objects are mutable by the client; some shared objects are read-only by the client, but mutable by H2O (e.g. a model being constructed will change over time); and actions by the client may have side-effects on other clients (multi-tenancy is not a supported model of use, but it is possible for multiple clients to attach to a single H2O cloud).

Briefly, these objects are:

  • Key: A key is an entry in the DKV that maps to an object in H2O.
  • Frame: A Frame is a collection of Vec objects. It is a 2D array of elements.
  • Vec: A Vec is a collection of Chunk objects. It is a 1D array of elements.
  • Chunk: A Chunk holds a fraction of the BigData. It is a 1D array of elements.
  • ModelMetrics: A collection of metrics for a given category of model.
  • Model: A model is an immutable object having predict and metrics methods.
  • Job: A Job is a non-blocking task that performs a finite amount of work.

Many of these objects have no meaning to an end python user, but in order to make sense of the objects available in this module it is helpful to understand how these objects map to objects in the JVM (because after all, this module is an interface that allows the manipulation of a distributed system).

Objects In This Module

The objects that are of primary concern to the python user are (in order) Keys, Frames, Vecs, Models, ModelMetrics, and to a lesser extent Jobs. Each of these objects are described in greater detail throughout this documentation, but a few brief notes are warranted here.


An H2OFrame is 2D array of uniformly-typed columns. Data in H2O is compressed (often achieving 2-4x better compression the gzip on disk) and is held in the JVM heap (i.e. data is “in memory”), and not in the python process local memory.. The H2OFrame is an iterable (supporting list comprehensions) wrapper around a list of H2OVec objects. All an H2OFrame object is, therefore, is a wrapper on a list that supports various types of operations that may or may not be lazy. Here’s an example showing how a list comprehension is combined with lazy expressions to compute the column means for all columns in the H2OFrame:

>>> df = h2o.import_frame(path="smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv")  # import prostate data
>>> colmeans = [v.mean().eager() for v in a]                     # compute column means eagerly
>>> colmeans                                                     # print the results
[5.843333333333335, 3.0540000000000007, 3.7586666666666693, 1.1986666666666672]

Lazy expressions will be discussed in detail in the coming sections, but their primary purpose is to cut down on the chatter between the client (a.k.a this python interface) and H2O. Lazy expressions are Katamari’d together and only ever evaluated when some piece of output is requested (e.g. print-to-screen).

The set of operations on an H2OFrame is described in a chapter devoted to this object, but suffice it to say that this set of operations closely resembles those that may be performed on an R data.frame. This includes all manner of slicing (with complex conditionals), broadcasting operations, and a slew of math operations for transforming and mutating a Frame (the actual Big Data sitting in the H2O cloud). The semantics for modifying a Frame closely resembles R’s copy-on-modify semantics, except when it comes to mutating a Frame in place. For example, it’s possible to assign all occurrences of the number 0 in a column to missing (or NA in R parlance) as demonstrated in the following snippet:

>>> df = h2o.import_frame(path="smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv")  # import prostate data
>>> vol = df['VOL']                                              # select the VOL column
>>> vol[vol == 0] = None                                         # 0 VOL means 'missing'

After this operation, vol has been permanently mutated in place (it is not a copy!).


An H2OVec is a single column of data that is uniformly typed and possibly lazily computed.


  • Lazy expressions...


The model-building experience with this module is unique, and is not the same experience for those coming from a background in scikit-learn.

Rather than have each model define its own class, each model will belong to one of the following categories:

  • Regression
  • Binomial
  • Multinomial
  • Clustering

This is not an entirely representative list of model categories (e.g., what about Time Series, and Grid Search, or PCA?); but it represents the core set of underlying model categories that form the foundation and current state of modeling in H2O.

  • No explicit model objects – have model categories
  • How to create new models
  • train and validation data
  • parameter specification
  • categoricals are dealt with internally (no need to one-hot expand them!)
  • what about categoricals in my response?
  • what about an integral response column that I want to do classification on
  • See more on the chapter on Models


  • Metrics for different types of model categories
  • See more in the chapter on Metrics

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