[//]: # (Preview with http://jbt.github.io/markdown-editor) # REST API Routes Table of Contents --- HTTP method | URI pattern | Input schema | Output schema | Summary --- | --- | --- | --- | --- POST | /3/CreateFrame | CreateFrameV3 | CreateFrameV3 | Create a synthetic H2O Frame. POST | /3/SplitFrame | SplitFrameV3 | SplitFrameV3 | Split a H2O Frame. POST | /3/MissingInserter | MissingInserterV3 | MissingInserterV3 | Insert missing values. GET | /3/ImportFiles | ImportFilesV3 | ImportFilesV3 | Import raw data files into a single-column H2O Frame. POST | /3/ParseSetup | ParseSetupV3 | ParseSetupV3 | Guess the parameters for parsing raw byte-oriented data into an H2O Frame. POST | /3/Parse | ParseV3 | ParseV3 | Parse a raw byte-oriented Frame into a useful columnar data Frame. GET | /3/Cloud | CloudV3 | CloudV3 | Determine the status of the nodes in the H2O cloud. HEAD | /3/Cloud | CloudV3 | CloudV3 | Determine the status of the nodes in the H2O cloud. GET | /3/Jobs | JobsV3 | Schema | Get a list of all the H2O Jobs (long-running actions). GET | /3/Timeline | TimelineV3 | TimelineV3 | Something something something. GET | /3/Profiler | ProfilerV3 | ProfilerV3 | Something something something. GET | /3/JStack | JStackV3 | JStackV3 | Something something something. GET | /3/NetworkTest | NetworkTestV3 | NetworkTestV3 | Something something something. POST | /3/UnlockKeys | UnlockKeysV3 | UnlockKeysV3 | Unlock all keys in the H2O distributed K/V store, to attempt to recover from a crash. POST | /3/Shutdown | ShutdownV3 | ShutdownV3 | Shut down the cluster GET | /3/Tutorials | TutorialsV3 | TutorialsV3 | H2O tutorials. GET | /3/About | AboutV3 | AboutV3 | Return information about this H2O. GET | /3/Metadata/endpoints/{num>[0-9]+) | DocsV3 | DocsV3 | Return the REST API endpoint metadata, including documentation, for the endpoint specified by number. GET | /3/Metadata/endpoints/{path} | DocsV3 | DocsV3 | Return the REST API endpoint metadata, including documentation, for the endpoint specified by path. GET | /3/Metadata/endpoints | DocsV3 | DocsV3 | Return a list of all the REST API endpoints. GET | /3/Metadata/schemaclasses/{classname} | DocsV3 | DocsV3 | Return the REST API schema metadata for specified schema class. GET | /3/Metadata/schemas/{schemaname} | DocsV3 | DocsV3 | Return the REST API schema metadata for specified schema. GET | /3/Metadata/schemas | DocsV3 | DocsV3 | Return list of all REST API schemas. GET | /3/Typeahead/files | TypeaheadV3 | Schema | Typehead hander for filename completion. GET | /3/Jobs/{jobid} | JobsV3 | Schema | Get the status of the given H2O Job (long-running action). POST | /3/Jobs/{jobid}/cancel | JobsV3 | Schema | Cancel a running job. GET | /3/Find | FindV3 | FindV3 | Find a value within a Frame. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid}/export/{path}/overwrite/{force} | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Export a Frame to the given path with optional overwrite. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid}/columns/{column}/summary | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return the summary metrics for a column, e.g. mins, maxes, mean, sigma, percentiles, etc. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid}/columns/{column}/domain | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return the domains for the specified column. "null" if the column is not an Enum. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid}/columns/{column} | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return the specified column from a Frame. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid}/columns | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return all the columns from a Frame. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid}/summary | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return a Frame, including the histograms, after forcing computation of rollups. GET | /3/Frames/{frameid} | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return the specified Frame. GET | /3/Frames | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Return all Frames in the H2O distributed K/V store. DELETE | /3/Frames/{frameid} | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Delete the specified Frame from the H2O distributed K/V store. DELETE | /3/Frames | FramesV3 | FramesV3 | Delete all Frames from the H2O distributed K/V store. GET | /3/Models/{modelid}/preview | ModelsV3 | ModelsV3 | Return potentially abridged model suitable for viewing in a browser (currently only used for java model code). GET | /3/Models/{modelid} | ModelsV3 | ModelsV3 | Return the specified Model from the H2O distributed K/V store, optionally with the list of compatible Frames. GET | /3/Models | ModelsV3 | ModelsV3 | Return all Models from the H2O distributed K/V store. DELETE | /3/Models/{modelid} | ModelsV3 | ModelsV3 | Delete the specified Model from the H2O distributed K/V store. DELETE | /3/Models | ModelsV3 | ModelsV3 | Delete all Models from the H2O distributed K/V store. GET | /3/ModelBuilders/{algo} | ModelBuildersV3 | ModelBuildersV3 | Return the Model Builder metadata for the specified algorithm. GET | /3/ModelBuilders | ModelBuildersV3 | ModelBuildersV3 | Return the Model Builder metadata for all available algorithms. GET | /3/ModelMetrics/models/{model}/frames/{frame} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the saved scoring metrics for the specified Model and Frame. DELETE | /3/ModelMetrics/models/{model}/frames/{frame} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the saved scoring metrics for the specified Model and Frame. GET | /3/ModelMetrics/models/{model} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the saved scoring metrics for the specified Model. GET | /3/ModelMetrics/frames/{frame}/models/{model} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the saved scoring metrics for the specified Model and Frame. DELETE | /3/ModelMetrics/frames/{frame}/models/{model} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the saved scoring metrics for the specified Model and Frame. GET | /3/ModelMetrics/frames/{frame} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the saved scoring metrics for the specified Frame. GET | /3/ModelMetrics | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return all the saved scoring metrics. POST | /3/ModelMetrics/models/{model}/frames/{frame} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Return the scoring metrics for the specified Frame with the specified Model. If the Frame has already been scored with the Model then cached results will be returned; otherwise predictions for all rows in the Frame will be generated and the metrics will be returned. POST | /3/Predictions/models/{model}/frames/{frame} | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 | Score (generate predictions) for the specified Frame with the specified Model. Both the Frame of predictions and the metrics will be returned. GET | /3/WaterMeterCpuTicks/{nodeidx} | WaterMeterCpuTicksV3 | WaterMeterCpuTicksV3 | Return a CPU usage snapshot of all cores of all nodes in the H2O cluster. GET | /3/WaterMeterIo/{nodeidx} | WaterMeterIoV3 | WaterMeterIoV3 | Return IO usage snapshot of all nodes in the H2O cluster. GET | /3/WaterMeterIo | WaterMeterIoV3 | WaterMeterIoV3 | Return IO usage snapshot of all nodes in the H2O cluster. GET | /3/NodePersistentStorage/categories/{category}/names/{name}/exists | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Return true or false. GET | /3/NodePersistentStorage/categories/{category}/exists | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Return true or false. GET | /3/NodePersistentStorage/configured | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Return true or false. POST | /3/NodePersistentStorage/{category}/{name} | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Store a named value. GET | /3/NodePersistentStorage/{category}/{name} | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Return value for a given name. DELETE | /3/NodePersistentStorage/{category}/{name} | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Delete a key. POST | /3/NodePersistentStorage/{category} | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Store a value. GET | /3/NodePersistentStorage/{category} | NodePersistentStorageV3 | NodePersistentStorageV3 | Return all keys stored for a given category. GET | /3/Logs/nodes/{nodeidx}/files/{name} | LogsV3 | LogsV3 | Get named log file for a node. GET | /3/KillMinus3 | KillMinus3V3 | KillMinus3V3 | Kill minus 3 on *this* node POST | /3/Rapids | RapidsV3 | RapidsV3 | Something something R exec something. GET | /3/Rapids/isEval | RapidsV3 | RapidsV3 | something something r exec something. GET | /3/DownloadDataset | DownloadDataV3 | DownloadDataV3 | Download something something. DELETE | /3/DKV/{key} | RemoveV3 | RemoveV3 | Remove an arbitrary key from the H2O distributed K/V store. DELETE | /3/DKV | RemoveAllV3 | RemoveAllV3 | Remove all keys from the H2O distributed K/V store. POST | /3/LogAndEcho | LogAndEchoV3 | LogAndEchoV3 | Save a message to the H2O logfile. GET | /3/InitID | InitIDV3 | InitIDV3 | Issue a new session ID. GET | /99/Sample | CloudV3 | CloudV3 | Example of an experimental endpoint. Call via /EXPERIMENTAL/Sample. Experimental endpoints can change at any moment. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/gbm | GBMV3 | Schema | Train a GBM model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/gbm/parameters | GBMV3 | GBMV3 | Validate a set of GBM model builder parameters. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/drf | DRFV3 | Schema | Train a DRF model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/drf/parameters | DRFV3 | DRFV3 | Validate a set of DRF model builder parameters. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/kmeans | KMeansV3 | Schema | Train a KMeans model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/kmeans/parameters | KMeansV3 | KMeansV3 | Validate a set of KMeans model builder parameters. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/deeplearning | DeepLearningV3 | Schema | Train a Deep Learning model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/deeplearning/parameters | DeepLearningV3 | DeepLearningV3 | Validate a set of Deep Learning model builder parameters. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/glm | GLMV3 | Schema | Train a GLM model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/glm/parameters | GLMV3 | GLMV3 | Validate a set of GLM model builder parameters. POST | /3/MakeGLMModel | MakeGLMModelV3 | GLMModelV3 | make a new GLM model based on existing one POST | /3/ModelBuilders/pca | PCAV3 | Schema | Train a PCA model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/pca/parameters | PCAV3 | PCAV3 | Validate a set of PCA model builder parameters. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/naivebayes | NaiveBayesV3 | Schema | Train a Naive Bayes model on the specified Frame. POST | /3/ModelBuilders/naivebayes/parameters | NaiveBayesV3 | NaiveBayesV3 | Validate a set of Naive Bayes model builder parameters.