.. _Eclipse: H2O For Eclipse Users (Github) ============================================ 1. Create a git clone of the H2O repository. For more information, refer to :ref:`QuickstartGit` 2. Open Eclipse. 3. Choose **File**->**Import**. .. image:: eclipse/02Import.png :width: 90 % 4. Choose **General**->**Existing Projects** into Workspace. .. image:: eclipse/03ExistingProj.png :width: 90 % 5. Choose **Select root directory** and click **Browse**. .. image:: eclipse/04SelectRootDir.png :width: 90 % 6. Choose **H2O** and click **Open**. .. image:: eclipse/05ChooseH2ODir.png :width: 90 % 7. The defaults should have the H2O project selected. Click **Finish**. .. image:: eclipse/06Finish.png :width: 90 % 8. Right-click a sample program and run it as a Java Application. .. image:: eclipse/07RunKMeans.png :width: 90 % 9. Select the regular main class as the Java Application and click **OK**. .. image:: eclipse/08SelectJavaApplication.png :width: 90 % 10. See the output of a successful run. .. image:: eclipse/09KMeansOutput.png :width: 90 %