H\ :sub:`2`\ O installation in R Studio ------------------------------------------ These instructions assume you are using R 2.14.0 or later. **STEP 1** The download package containing the H\ :sub:`2`\ O jar file can be obtained by visiting H\ :sub:`2`\ O available downloads at `http://0xdata.com/downloadtable `_. Choose the version of H\ :sub:`2`\ O best for you, and unzip the downloaded H\ :sub:`2`\ O zip file. The most recent promoted build is reccomended. **STEP 2** Start an instance of H\ :sub:`2`\ O. For help with this see :ref:`GettingStartedFromaZipFile` If users do not start an instance of H\ :sub:`2`\ O, one will be started automatically for them at localhost: 54321 (see **STEP 4** for more detail). If the instance of H\ :sub:`2`\ O is stopped, the R program will no longer run, and work done will be lost. **STEP 3:** New users may skip this step, while users who have previously installed the H\ :sub:`2`\ O R packages should uninstall them by entering the following commands to the R console: :: detach("package:h2o", unload=TRUE) remove.packages("h2o") Note: users may get warnings of the type "Error in detatch("package:h2o", unload = TRUE): invalid 'name' argument. This tells users that there is no H\ :sub:`2`\ O package to uninstall. These warnings can safely be ignored. **STEP 4:** Install the H\ :sub:`2`\ O package via the H\ :sub:`2`\ O repository. This repository functions exactly like the R repository, but is maintained by H\ :sub:`2`\ O. **DO NOT CUT AND PASTE THIS CALL INTO R** The call shown below is specifically for the jacobi/2 build, which may be older than the build you would like to use. Your call should look similar to this, and you can find an exact command to copy and paste by going to H\ :sub:`2`\ O available downloads at `http://0xdata.com/downloadtable `_ and selecting the correct version there. `install.packages("h2o", repos=(c("http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-jacobi/2/R", getOption("repos"))))` **STEP 4:** Once the H\ :sub:`2`\ O R package has been installed, call the package, and establish a connection to a running instance of H\ :sub:`2`\ O. If there is no running instance of H\ :sub:`2`\ O prior to using the command "h2o.init()", H\ :sub:`2`\ O in R will start an instance automatically for the user at localhost:54321, and the user will be notified. If you would like to connect to an instance at an IP and port other than localhost:54321, these details must be specified as arguments in the R call. :: library(h2o) localH2O <- h2o.init() Users who wish to specify a connection with a server (other than localhost at port 54321) must explicity state the IP address and port number in the h2o.init call. An example is given below, but **do not cut and paste**; users should specify the IP and port number appropriate to their specific environment. :: library(h2o) localH2O = h2o.init(ip = "192.555.1.123", port = 12345, startH2O = FALSE) **STEP 5: Upgrading Packages** Users may wish to manually upgrade their R packages. For instance, if you are running the bleeding edge developer build, it’s possible that the code has changed, but that the revision number has not, in which case manually upgrading ensures the most current version of not only the H\ :sub:`2`\ O code, but the corresponding R code as well. This can be done by returning to STEP 3, and following the commands through STEP 4.