Scala for H\ :sub:`2`\ O: Shalala =================================== Overview -------- Shalala is a Scala library providing access to H2O API via a dedicated DSL and also a REPL integrated into H2O. Currently, the library supports the following expressions abstracting H2O API. *R-like commands* :: help ncol nrow head tail f(2) - returns 2. column f("year") - returns column "year" f(*,2) - returns 2. column f(*, 2 to 5) - returns 2., 3., 4., 5. columns f(*,2)+2 - scalar operation - 2.column + 2 f(2)*3 - scalar operation - 2.column * 3 f-1 - scalar operation - all columns - 1 f < 10 - transform the frame into boolean frame respecting the condition *H2O commands* :: keys - shows all available keys i KV store parse("iris.csv") - parse given file and return a frame put("a.hex", f) - put a frame into KV store get("b.hex") - return a frame from KV store jobs - shows a list of executed jobs shutdown - shutdown H2O cloud *M/R commands* :: f map (Add(3)) - call of map function of all columns in frame - function is (Double=>Double) and has to extend Iced f map (Less(10)) - call of map function on all columns - function is (Double=>Boolean) Build Scalala ------------- To build Shalala `sbt` is required. You can get `sbt` from To compile Shalala please type: :: sbt compile Launch REPL ----------- Shalala provides an integrated Scala REPL exposing H2O DSL. You can start REPL via ``sbt``: :: sbt run Launch Examples --------------- Shalala provides a convenient way to run examples via ``sbt``: :: sbt runExamples Key points of implementation ---------------------------- * Using primitive types specialization (to allow for generation code using primitive types) * All objects passed around cloud has to inherits from ``water.Iced`` Examples -------- :: val f = parse("smalldata/cars.csv") f(2) // number of cylinders f("year") // year of production f(*, 0::2::7::Nil) // year,number of cylinders and year f(7) map Sub(1000) // Subtract 1000 from year column f("cylinders") map (new BOp { var sum:scala.Double = 0 def apply(rhs:scala.Double) = { sum += rhs; rhs*rhs / sum; } }) FAQs ---- * **How to generate Eclipse project and import it into Eclipse?** - Launch ``sbt`` shell - In ``sbt`` use the command ``eclipse`` to create Eclipse project files :: > eclipse - In Eclipse use the ``Import Wizard`` to import the project into workspace * **How to run REPL from Eclipse?** - Import *h2o-scala* project into Eclipse - Launch ``water.api.dsl.ShalalaRepl`` as a Scala application * **How to generate Idea project and import it?** - Launch ``sbt`` - In ``sbt`` use the command ``gen-idea`` to create Idea project files :: > gen-idea - In Idea open the project located in ``h2o-scala`` directory """"