Provides access to H2OFrame from pure SQL statements (i.e.
Provides access to H2OFrame from pure SQL statements (i.e. for users of the JDBC server).
Configuration holder which is representing properties passed from user to Sparkling Water.
Create new H2OContext based on provided H2O configuration
Implicit transformations available on org.apache.spark.h2o.H2OContext
Adds a method, h2o
, to DataFrameReader that allows you to read h2o frames using
the DataFileReader.
Adds a method, h2o
, to DataFrameReader that allows you to read h2o frames using
the DataFileReader. It's alias for"org.apache.spark.h2o").option("key",frame.key.toString).load()
Adds a method, h2o
, to DataFrameWriter that allows you to write h2o frames using
the DataFileWriter.
Adds a method, h2o
, to DataFrameWriter that allows you to write h2o frames using
the DataFileWriter. It's alias for sqlContext.write.format("org.apache.spark.h2o").option("key","new_frame_key").save()
Store information about H2O & Sparkling Water versions so they are available at run-time
Type shortcuts to simplify work in Sparkling REPL