Enabling SSL

This section describes how to secure communication and data exchange among nodes of H2O-3 cluster deployed with Sparkling water.

To secure communication between Spark instances (executors + driver) and H2O nodes, enable SSL on H2O FLOW UI (see :ref:`tutorials_secured_flow`).

To configure security for logic writen in Spark API, please see `Spark Security documentation <http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/security.html>`__.

Security of communication and data exchange among H2O-3 nodes via files containing secrets
(see the `H2O-3 documentation <http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-docs/security.html#ssl-internode-security>`__ for more details).

Sparkling Water allows the user to use the manually created security files or it can generate it automatically.

Using Automatically Generated Security Files

To automatically generate and apply the security configuration, please set ``spark.ext.h2o.internal_secure_connections=true`` option to the Spark submit:

.. code:: shell

    bin/sparkling-shell --conf "spark.ext.h2o.internal_secure_connections=true"

This can be also achieved using a programmatic way on the ``H2OConf``:

.. content-tabs::

    .. tab-container:: Scala
        :title: Scala

        .. code:: Scala

            import ai.h2o.sparkling._
            val conf = new H2OConf().setInternalSecureConnectionsEnabled()
            val hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(conf)

    .. tab-container:: Python
        :title: Python

        .. code:: python

            from pysparkling import *
            conf = H2OConf().setInternalSecureConnectionsEnabled()
            hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(conf)

    .. tab-container:: R
        :title: R

        .. code:: r

            sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
            conf = H2OConf()$setInternalSecureConnectionsEnabled()
            hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(conf)

This method generates all files and distributes them via YARN or Spark methods to all worker nodes. This
communication is secure in the case of configured YARN/Spark security.

Using Manually Generated Security Files

To use manually generated security files, please pass the following configuration to your Spark Submit:

.. code:: shell

    bin/sparkling-shell --conf "spark.ext.h2o.internal_security_conf=ssl.properties"

This can be also achieved using a programmatic way on the ``H2OConf``:

.. content-tabs::

    .. tab-container:: Scala
        :title: Scala

        .. code:: Scala

            import ai.h2o.sparkling._
            val conf = new H2OConf().setSslConf("/path/to/ssl/configuration")
            val hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(conf)

    .. tab-container:: Python
        :title: Python

        .. code:: python

            from pysparkling import *
            conf = H2OConf().setSslConf("/path/to/ssl/configuration")
            hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(conf)

    .. tab-container:: R
        :title: R

        .. code:: r

            sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
            conf = H2OConf()$setSslConf("/path/to/ssl/configuration")
            hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(conf)

Format of the security configuration is explained at
`H2O-3 documentation <http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-docs/security.html#ssl-internode-security>`__.