Memory Allocation ----------------- H2O resides in the same executor JVM as Spark. The memory provided for H2O is configured via Spark. Refer to `Spark Configuration <>`__ for more details. Generic Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Configure the Executor memory (i.e., memory available for H2O) via the Spark configuration property ``spark.executor.memory``. For example, ``bin/sparkling-shell --conf spark.executor.memory=5g``, or configure the property in ``$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf`` - Configure the Driver memory (i.e., memory available for H2O client running inside Spark driver) via the Spark configuration property ``spark.driver.memory`` For example, ``bin/sparkling-shell --conf spark.driver.memory=4g``, or configure the property in ``$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf`` YARN-Specific Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Refer to the `Spark Configuration documentation <>`__. - For JVMs that require a large amount of memory, we strongly recommend configuring the maximum amount of memory available for individual mappers. For information on how to do this using YARN, refer to