Parameters of H2OExtendedIsolationForest

Affected Class



  • Each parameter has also a corresponding getter and setter method. (E.g.: label -> getLabel() , setLabel(...) )


Names of columns to ignore for training.

Scala default value: null ; Python default value: None

Also available on the trained model.


Encoding scheme for categorical features. Possible values are "AUTO", "OneHotInternal", "OneHotExplicit", "Enum", "Binary", "Eigen", "LabelEncoder", "SortByResponse", "EnumLimited".

Default value: "AUTO"

Also available on the trained model.


List of columns to convert to categorical before modelling

Scala default value: Array() ; Python default value: []


If set to ‘true’, the model converts invalid numbers to NA during making predictions.

Scala default value: false ; Python default value: False

Also available on the trained model.


If set to ‘true’, the model converts unknown categorical levels to NA during making predictions.

Scala default value: false ; Python default value: False

Also available on the trained model.


A full name of a serializer used for serialization and deserialization of Spark DataFrames to a JSON value within NullableDataFrameParam.

Default value: "ai.h2o.sparkling.utils.JSONDataFrameSerializer"

Also available on the trained model.


Column containing additional prediction details, its content depends on the model type.

Default value: "detailed_prediction"

Also available on the trained model.


Maximum is N - 1 (N = numCols). Minimum is 0. Extended Isolation Forest with extension_Level = 0 behaves like Isolation Forest.

Default value: 0

Also available on the trained model.


Name of feature columns

Scala default value: Array() ; Python default value: []

Also available on the trained model.


Ignore constant columns.

Scala default value: true ; Python default value: True

Also available on the trained model.


If set to true, all binary models created during execution of the fit method will be kept in DKV of H2O-3 cluster.

Scala default value: false ; Python default value: False


Destination id for this model; auto-generated if not specified.

Scala default value: null ; Python default value: None


Number of Extended Isolation Forest trees.

Default value: 100

Also available on the trained model.


Prediction column name

Default value: "prediction"

Also available on the trained model.


Number of randomly sampled observations used to train each Extended Isolation Forest tree.

Default value: 256

Also available on the trained model.


Seed for pseudo random number generator (if applicable).

Scala default value: -1L ; Python default value: -1

Also available on the trained model.


Accepts values in range [0, 1.0] which determine how large part of dataset is used for training and for validation. For example, 0.8 -> 80% training 20% validation. This parameter is ignored when validationDataFrame is set.

Default value: 1.0


A data frame dedicated for a validation of the trained model. If the parameters is not set,a validation frame created via the ‘splitRatio’ parameter. The parameter is not serializable!

Scala default value: null ; Python default value: None


Enables or disables generating a sub-column of detailedPredictionCol containing Shapley values of original features.

Scala default value: false ; Python default value: False

Also available on the trained model.


Enables or disables computation of leaf node assignments.

Scala default value: false ; Python default value: False

Also available on the trained model.


Enables or disables computation of stage results.

Scala default value: false ; Python default value: False

Also available on the trained model.