Source code for h2o.estimators.decision_tree

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is auto-generated by h2o-3/h2o-bindings/bin/
# Copyright 2016;  Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details)

from h2o.estimators.estimator_base import H2OEstimator
from h2o.exceptions import H2OValueError
from h2o.frame import H2OFrame
from h2o.utils.typechecks import assert_is_type, Enum, numeric

[docs]class H2ODecisionTreeEstimator(H2OEstimator): """ Decision Tree Builds a Decision Tree (DT) on a preprocessed dataset. """ algo = "dt" supervised_learning = True def __init__(self, model_id=None, # type: Optional[Union[None, str, H2OEstimator]] training_frame=None, # type: Optional[Union[None, str, H2OFrame]] ignored_columns=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] ignore_const_cols=True, # type: bool categorical_encoding="auto", # type: Literal["auto", "enum", "one_hot_internal", "one_hot_explicit", "binary", "eigen", "label_encoder", "sort_by_response", "enum_limited"] response_column=None, # type: Optional[str] seed=-1, # type: int max_depth=20, # type: int min_rows=10, # type: int ): """ :param model_id: Destination id for this model; auto-generated if not specified. Defaults to ``None``. :type model_id: Union[None, str, H2OEstimator], optional :param training_frame: Id of the training data frame. Defaults to ``None``. :type training_frame: Union[None, str, H2OFrame], optional :param ignored_columns: Names of columns to ignore for training. Defaults to ``None``. :type ignored_columns: List[str], optional :param ignore_const_cols: Ignore constant columns. Defaults to ``True``. :type ignore_const_cols: bool :param categorical_encoding: Encoding scheme for categorical features Defaults to ``"auto"``. :type categorical_encoding: Literal["auto", "enum", "one_hot_internal", "one_hot_explicit", "binary", "eigen", "label_encoder", "sort_by_response", "enum_limited"] :param response_column: Response variable column. Defaults to ``None``. :type response_column: str, optional :param seed: Seed for random numbers (affects sampling) Defaults to ``-1``. :type seed: int :param max_depth: Max depth of tree. Defaults to ``20``. :type max_depth: int :param min_rows: Fewest allowed (weighted) observations in a leaf. Defaults to ``10``. :type min_rows: int """ super(H2ODecisionTreeEstimator, self).__init__() self._parms = {} self._id = self._parms['model_id'] = model_id self.training_frame = training_frame self.ignored_columns = ignored_columns self.ignore_const_cols = ignore_const_cols self.categorical_encoding = categorical_encoding self.response_column = response_column self.seed = seed self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_rows = min_rows @property def training_frame(self): """ Id of the training data frame. Type: ``Union[None, str, H2OFrame]``. """ return self._parms.get("training_frame") @training_frame.setter def training_frame(self, training_frame): self._parms["training_frame"] = H2OFrame._validate(training_frame, 'training_frame') @property def ignored_columns(self): """ Names of columns to ignore for training. Type: ``List[str]``. """ return self._parms.get("ignored_columns") @ignored_columns.setter def ignored_columns(self, ignored_columns): assert_is_type(ignored_columns, None, [str]) self._parms["ignored_columns"] = ignored_columns @property def ignore_const_cols(self): """ Ignore constant columns. Type: ``bool``, defaults to ``True``. """ return self._parms.get("ignore_const_cols") @ignore_const_cols.setter def ignore_const_cols(self, ignore_const_cols): assert_is_type(ignore_const_cols, None, bool) self._parms["ignore_const_cols"] = ignore_const_cols @property def categorical_encoding(self): """ Encoding scheme for categorical features Type: ``Literal["auto", "enum", "one_hot_internal", "one_hot_explicit", "binary", "eigen", "label_encoder", "sort_by_response", "enum_limited"]``, defaults to ``"auto"``. """ return self._parms.get("categorical_encoding") @categorical_encoding.setter def categorical_encoding(self, categorical_encoding): assert_is_type(categorical_encoding, None, Enum("auto", "enum", "one_hot_internal", "one_hot_explicit", "binary", "eigen", "label_encoder", "sort_by_response", "enum_limited")) self._parms["categorical_encoding"] = categorical_encoding @property def response_column(self): """ Response variable column. Type: ``str``. """ return self._parms.get("response_column") @response_column.setter def response_column(self, response_column): assert_is_type(response_column, None, str) self._parms["response_column"] = response_column @property def seed(self): """ Seed for random numbers (affects sampling) Type: ``int``, defaults to ``-1``. """ return self._parms.get("seed") @seed.setter def seed(self, seed): assert_is_type(seed, None, int) self._parms["seed"] = seed @property def max_depth(self): """ Max depth of tree. Type: ``int``, defaults to ``20``. """ return self._parms.get("max_depth") @max_depth.setter def max_depth(self, max_depth): assert_is_type(max_depth, None, int) self._parms["max_depth"] = max_depth @property def min_rows(self): """ Fewest allowed (weighted) observations in a leaf. Type: ``int``, defaults to ``10``. """ return self._parms.get("min_rows") @min_rows.setter def min_rows(self, min_rows): assert_is_type(min_rows, None, int) self._parms["min_rows"] = min_rows