If your source file is encrypted - setup a Decryption Tool and then provide the reference (result of this function) to the import functions.
h2o.decryptionSetup( keystore, keystore_type = "JCEKS", key_alias = NA_character_, password = NA_character_, decrypt_tool = "", decrypt_impl = "water.parser.GenericDecryptionTool", cipher_spec = NA_character_ )
keystore | An H2OFrame object referencing a loaded Java Keystore (see example). |
keystore_type | (Optional) Specification of Keystore type, defaults to JCEKS. |
key_alias | Which key from the keystore to use for decryption. |
password | Password to the keystore and the key. |
decrypt_tool | (Optional) Name of the decryption tool. |
decrypt_impl | (Optional) Java class name implementing the Decryption Tool. |
cipher_spec | Specification of a cipher (eg.: AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding). |
if (FALSE) { library(h2o) h2o.init() ks_path <- system.file("extdata", "keystore.jks", package = "h2o") keystore <- h2o.importFile(path = ks_path, parse = FALSE) # don't parse, keep as a binary file cipher <- "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding" pwd <- "Password123" alias <- "secretKeyAlias" dt <- h2o.decryptionSetup(keystore, key_alias = alias, password = pwd, cipher_spec = cipher) data_path <- system.file("extdata", "prostate.csv.aes", package = "h2o") data <- h2o.importFile(data_path, decrypt_tool = dt) summary(data) }