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Additional resources¶
The following are additional resources to learn more information about H2O:
Keep up to date with the latest H2O blogs.
Explore Awesome H2O to review projects, applications, research papers, tutorials, courses, and books that use H2O.
Learn about securing your installation by following H2O’s security guidelines.
Recent Changes
User Guide
- Data manipulation
- Upload a file
- Import a file
- Import multiple files
- Download data
- Change the Column Type
- Combine columns from two datasets
- Combine rows from two datasets
- Fill NA values
- Group by
- Impute data
- Merge two datasets
- Pivot tables
- Replace values in a frame
- Slice columns
- Slice rows
- Sort columns
- Split datasets into training/testing/validating
- Tokenize strings
- Feature engineering
- Variable Importance
- Training Data Terminology
- Decision Tree Terminology
- Decision Tree Representations
- Building a Decision Tree
- Splitting Based on Squared Error
- Feature Importance (aka Variable Importance) Plots
- Variable Importance Calculation (GBM & DRF)
- Tree-Based Algorithms
- Non-Tree-Based Algorithms
- Retrieving Variable Importance in H2O-3
- References