.. _Hadoop_Tutorial: Running H\ :sub:`2`\ O on Hadoop ================================ The following tutorial will walk the user through the download or build of H\ :sub:`2`\ O and the parameters involved in launching H\ :sub:`2`\ O from the command line. **Step 1** Either download the latest H\ :sub:`2`\ O release from our `download page `_ or download our source code and build the code from git by running: :: $ git clone https://github.com/0xdata/h2o.git $ cd h2o $ make **Step 2** Copy the build output or downloaded zip file to a Hadoop Node where the user will be running hadoop commands. :: $ scp target/h2o-.zip or $ scp h2o-.zip **Step 3** Prepare job input on Hadoop Node by unzipping the build file and changing to the directory with the Hadoop and H\ :sub:`2`\ O's driver jar files. :: $ unzip h2o-.zip $ cd h2o-/hadoop **Step 4** To launch H\ :sub:`2`\ O nodes and form a cluster on the Hadoop cluster run: :: $ hadoop jar water.hadoop.h2odriver [-jt ] -libjars ../h2o.jar -mapperXmx 1g -nodes 1 -output hdfsOutputDirName *Parameters* h2o_driver_jar_file : For each major release of each distribution of hadoop, there is a driver jar file that the user will need to launch H\ :sub:`2`\ O with. Currently available driver jar files in each build of H\ :sub:`2`\ O include h2odriver_cdh5.jar, h2odriver_hdp2.1.jar, and mapr2.1.3.jar. jobtracker:port : The argument is optional and typically without it the jobtracker will be available at the default port of each distro. mapperXmx : The mapper size or the amount of memory allocated to each node. nodes : The number of nodes requested to form the cluster. output : The name of the directory created for each mapper task which has to be unique to each instance of H\ :sub:`2`\ O since they cannot be overwritten. **Step 5** To monitor your job simply direct your web browser to your standard job tracker Web UI. To access H\ :sub:`2`\ O's Web UI direct your web browser to one of the instances launched. If you are unsure where your port is launched review the output from your command. .. image:: hadoop_cmd_output.png :width: 100 %