Data In H2O =========== A H2OFrame represents a 2D array of data where each column is uniformly typed. The data may be local or it may be in an H2O cluster. The data are loaded from a CSV file or from a native python data structure, and is either a python-process-local file, a cluster-local file, or a list of H2OVec objects. Loading Data From A CSV File ---------------------------- H2O's parser supports data of various formats from multiple sources. The following formats are supported: * SVMLight * CSV (data may delimited by any of the 128 ASCII characters) * XLS The following data sources are supported: * NFS / Local File / List of Files * HDFS * URL * A Directory (with many data files inside at the *same* level -- no support for recursive import of data) * S3/S3N * Native Language Data Structure (c.f. the subsequent section) .. code-block:: python >>> trainFrame = h2o.import_frame(path="hdfs://") #or >>> trainFrame = h2o.import_frame(path="~/data/data_test.csv") Loading Data From A Python Object --------------------------------- To transfer the data that are stored in python data structures to H2O, use the H2OFrame constructor and the `python_obj` argument. If the `python_obj` argument is not `None`, then additional arguments are ignored. The following types are permissible for `python_obj`: * :class:`tuple` () * :class:`list` [] * :class:`dict` {} * :mod:`collections.OrderedDict` The type of `python_obj` is inspected by performing an `isinstance` call. A ValueError will be raised if the type of `python_obj` is not one of the above types. For example, sets, byte arrays, and un-contained types are not permissible. The subsequent sections discuss each data type in detail in terms of the "source" representation (the python object) and the "target" representation (the H2O object). Concretely, the topics of discussion will be on the following: Headers, Data Types, Number of Rows, Number of Columns, and Missing Values. Aside: Why is Pandas' DataFrame not a permissible type? There are two reasons that Pandas' DataFrame objects are not included. First, it is best to minimize the number of dependencies, and secondly it is difficult to justify including the Pandas module as a dependency if its only function is related to this small detail of transferring data from python to H2O. Second, Pandas objects are simple wrappers of numpy arrays that include some meta data, so the transfer of data from a Pandas DataFrame to an H2O Frame could readily be achieved. In the following documentation, H2OFrame and Frame will be used synonymously. Technically, an H2OFrame is the object-pointer that resides in the python VM and points to a Frame object inside of the H2O JVM. Similarly, H2OFrame, Frame, and H2O Frame all refer to the same kind of object. In general, though, the context is from the python VM, unless otherwise specified. Loading A Python Tuple ++++++++++++++++++++++ Essentially, the tuple is an immutable list. This immutability does not map to the H2OFrame. So pythonistas beware! The restrictions on what goes inside the tuple are fairly relaxed, but if they are not recognized, a ValueError displays. A tuple is formatted as follows: (i1, i2, i3, ..., iN) Restrictions are mainly on the types of the individual `iJ` (1 <= J <= N). If `iJ` is {} for some J, then a ValueError displays. If `iJ` is a () (tuple) or [] (list), then `iJ` must be a () or [] for all J; otherwise a ValueError displays. If `iJ` is a () or [], and if it is a nested () or nested [], then a ValueError displays. In other words, only a single level of nesting is valid and all internal arrays must be flat -- H2O does not flatten them for you. If `iJ` is not a () or [], then it must be of type string or a non-complex numeric type (float or int). In other words, if `iJ` is not a tuple, list, string, float, or int, for some J, then a ValueError displays. Some examples of acceptable inputs are: * Example A: (1,2,3) * Example B: ((1,2,3), (4,5,6), ("cat", "dog")) * Example C: ((1,2,3), [4,5,6], ["blue", "yellow"], (321.239, "green","hi")) * Example D: (3284.123891, "dog", 89) Note that it is perfectly fine to mix () and [] within a tuple. Headers, Columns, Rows, Data Types, and Missing Values: The format of the H2OFrame is as follows: +--------+--------+--------+-----+---------+ | column1| column2| column3| ... | columnN | +========+========+========+=====+=========+ | a11, | a12, | a13, | ...,| a1N | +--------+--------+--------+-----+---------+ | ., | ., | ., | ...,| . | +--------+--------+--------+-----+---------+ | ., | ., | ., | ...,| . | +--------+--------+--------+-----+---------+ | ., | ., | ., | ...,| . | +--------+--------+--------+-----+---------+ | aM1, | aM2, | aM3, | ...,| aMN | +--------+--------+--------+-----+---------+ It looks exactly like an MxN matrix with an additional header "row". This header cannot be specified when loading data from a () (or from a [] but it is possible to specify a header with a python dictionary (see below for details). **Headers:** Since no header row can be specified for this case, H2O automatically generates a column header in the following format: C1, C2, C3, ..., CN Notably, these columns have a 1-based indexing (i.e. the 0th column is "C1"). **Rows, Columns, and Missing Data:** The shape of the H2OFrame is determined by two factors: - the number of arrays nested in the () - the number of items in each array If there are no nested arrays (as in Example A and Example D above), the resulting H2OFrame will have the following shape (rows x cols): 1 x len(tuple) (i.e. a Frame with a single row). If there are nested arrays (as in Example B and Example C above), then (given the rules stated above) the resulting H2OFrame will have ROWS equal to the number of arrays nested within and COLUMNS equal to the maximum sub-array: max( [len(l) for l in tuple] ) x len(tuple) Note that this addresses the issue with ragged sub-arrays by assuming that shorter sub-arrays will pad themselves with NA (missing values) at the end so that they become the correct length. Because the Frame is uniformly typed, combining data types within a column may produce unexpected results. Please read up on the H2O parser for details on how a column type is determined for mixed-type columns. Loading A Python List +++++++++++++++++++++ The same principles that apply to tuples also apply to lists. Lists are mutable objects, so there is no semantic difference regarding mutability between an H2OFrame and a list (as there is for a tuple). Additionally, a list [] is ordered the same way as a tuple (), with the data appearing within the brackets. Loading A Python Dictionary Or collections.OrderedDict ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Each entry in the {} is expected to represent a single column. Keys in the {} must be character strings following the pattern: ^[\a-\z\A-\Z_][\a-z\A-\Z\0-\9_.]*$ without restriction on length. A valid column name may begin with any letter (capital or not) or an "_", followed by any number of letters, digits, "_"s, or "."s. Values in the {} may be a flat [], a flat (), or a single int, float, or string value. Nested [] and () will raise a ValueError. This is the only additional restriction on [] and () that applies in this context. Note that the built-in dict does not provide any guarantees on ordering. This has implications on the order of columns in the eventual H2OFrame, since they may be written out of order from which they were initially put into the dict. collections.OrderedDict preserves the order of the key-value pairs in which they were entered. :mod:`H2OFrame` ---------------- .. autoclass:: h2o.frame.H2OFrame :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :mod:`H2OVec` -------------- .. autoclass:: h2o.frame.H2OVec :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: