Source code for h2o.h2o

This module provides all of the top level calls for models and various data transform methods.
By simply

import os
import os.path
import re
import urllib
import csv
import imp
import urllib2
import json
import imp
import random
import tabulate
from connection import H2OConnection
from job import H2OJob
from frame import H2OFrame, H2OVec
from expr import Expr
import h2o_model_builder

[docs]def import_file(path): """ Import a single file or collection of files. :param path: A path to a data file (remote or local). :return: A new H2OFrame """ paths = [path] if isinstance(path,str) else path return [ _import1(fname) for fname in paths ]
def _import1(path): j = H2OConnection.get_json(url_suffix="ImportFiles", path=path) if j['fails']: raise ValueError("ImportFiles of " + path + " failed on " + j['fails']) return j['destination_frames'][0]
[docs]def upload_file(path, destination_frame=""): """ Upload a dataset at the path given from the local machine to the H2O cluster. :param path: A path specifying the location of the data to upload. :param destination_frame: The name of the H2O Frame in the H2O Cluster. :return: A new H2OFrame """ fui = {"file": os.path.abspath(path)} destination_frame = H2OFrame.py_tmp_key() if destination_frame == "" else destination_frame H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="PostFile", file_upload_info=fui,destination_frame=destination_frame) return H2OFrame(text_key=destination_frame)
[docs]def import_frame(path=None, vecs=None): """ Import a frame from a file (remote or local machine). If you run H2O on Hadoop, you can access to HDFS :param path: A path specifying the location of the data to import. :return: A new H2OFrame """ return H2OFrame(vecs=vecs) if vecs else H2OFrame(remote_fname=path)
[docs]def parse_setup(raw_frames): """ :param raw_frames: A collection of imported file frames :return: A ParseSetup "object" """ # The H2O backend only accepts things that are quoted if isinstance(raw_frames, unicode): raw_frames = [raw_frames] j = H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="ParseSetup", source_frames=[_quoted(id) for id in raw_frames]) return j
[docs]def parse(setup, h2o_name, first_line_is_header=(-1, 0, 1)): """ Trigger a parse; blocking; removeFrame just keep the Vecs. :param setup: The result of calling parse_setup. :param h2o_name: The name of the H2O Frame on the back end. :param first_line_is_header: -1 means data, 0 means guess, 1 means header. :return: A new parsed object """ # Parse parameters (None values provided by setup) p = { 'destination_frame' : h2o_name, 'parse_type' : None, 'separator' : None, 'single_quotes' : None, 'check_header' : None, 'number_columns' : None, 'chunk_size' : None, 'delete_on_done' : True, 'blocking' : True, 'remove_frame' : True } if isinstance(first_line_is_header, tuple): first_line_is_header = setup["check_header"] if setup["column_names"]: setup["column_names"] = [_quoted(name) for name in setup["column_names"]] p["column_names"] = None if setup["column_types"]: setup["column_types"] = [_quoted(name) for name in setup["column_types"]] p["column_types"] = None if setup["na_strings"]: setup["na_strings"] = [[_quoted(na) for na in col] if col is not None else [] for col in setup["na_strings"]] p["na_strings"] = None # update the parse parameters with the parse_setup values p.update({k: v for k, v in setup.iteritems() if k in p}) p["check_header"] = first_line_is_header # Extract only 'name' from each src in the array of srcs p['source_frames'] = [_quoted(src['name']) for src in setup['source_frames']] # Request blocking parse j = H2OJob(H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="Parse", **p), "Parse").poll() return
[docs]def impute(data, column, method=["mean","median","mode"], # TODO: add "bfill","ffill" combine_method=["interpolate", "average", "low", "high"], by=None, inplace=True): """ Impute a column in this H2OFrame. :param column: The column to impute :param method: How to compute the imputation value. :param combine_method: For even samples and method="median", how to combine quantiles. :param by: Columns to group-by for computing imputation value per groups of columns. :param inplace: Impute inplace? :return: the imputed frame. """ return data.impute(column,method,combine_method,by,inplace)
def _quoted(key): if key == None: return "\"\"" is_quoted = len(re.findall(r'\"(.+?)\"', key)) != 0 key = key if is_quoted else "\"" + key + "\"" return key
[docs]def split_frame(data, ratios=[0.75], destination_frames=None): """ Split a frame into distinct subsets of size determined by the given ratios. The number of subsets is always 1 more than the number of ratios given. :param data: The dataset to split. :param ratios: The fraction of rows for each split. :param destination_frames: names of the split frames :return: a list of frames """ fr = data.send_frame() if destination_frames is None: destination_frames="" j = H2OConnection.post_json("SplitFrame", dataset=fr, ratios=ratios, destination_frames=destination_frames) #, "Split Frame").poll() splits = [] for i in j["destination_frames"]: splits += [get_frame(i["name"])] removeFrameShallow(i["name"]) removeFrameShallow(fr) return splits
[docs]def get_model(model_id): """ Return the specified model :param model_id: The model identification in h2o """ model_json = H2OConnection.get_json("Models/"+model_id)["models"][0] model_type = model_json["output"]["model_category"] if model_type=="Binomial": from model.binomial import H2OBinomialModel model = H2OBinomialModel(model_id, model_json) elif model_type=="Clustering": from model.clustering import H2OClusteringModel model = H2OClusteringModel(model_id, model_json) elif model_type=="Regression": from model.regression import H2ORegressionModel model = H2ORegressionModel(model_id, model_json) elif model_type=="Multinomial": from model.multinomial import H2OMultinomialModel model = H2OMultinomialModel(model_id, model_json) elif model_type=="AutoEncoder": from model.autoencoder import H2OAutoEncoderModel model = H2OAutoEncoderModel(model_id, model_json) else: print model_type raise NotImplementedError return model
def get_frame(frame_id): if frame_id is None: raise ValueError("frame_id must not be None") res = H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/"+urllib.quote(frame_id)) res = res["frames"][0] colnames = [v["label"] for v in res["columns"]] veckeys = res["vec_ids"] vecs=H2OVec.new_vecs(zip(colnames, veckeys), res["rows"]) return H2OFrame(vecs=vecs) """ Here are some testing utilities for running the pyunit tests in conjunction with issues an ip and port as a string: "<ip>:<port>". The expected value of sys_args[1] is "<ip>:<port>" """ """ All tests MUST have the following structure: import sys sys.path.insert(1, "..") # may vary depending on this test's position relative to h2o-py import h2o def my_test(ip=None, port=None): ...test filling... if __name__ == "__main__": h2o.run_test(sys.argv, my_test) So each test must have an ip and port """ # HDFS helpers def get_h2o_internal_hdfs_name_node(): return "" def is_running_internal_to_h2o(): url = "http://{0}:50070".format(get_h2o_internal_hdfs_name_node()) try: urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url)) internal = True except: internal = False return internal
[docs]def dim_check(data1, data2): """ Check that the dimensions of the data1 and data2 are the same :param data1: an H2OFrame or H2OVec :param data2: an H2OFrame or H2OVec :return: None """ data1_rows, data1_cols = data1.dim() data2_rows, data2_cols = data2.dim() assert data1_rows == data2_rows and data1_cols == data2_cols, \ "failed dim check! data1_rows:{0} data2_rows:{1} data1_cols:{2} data2_cols:{3}".format(data1_rows, data2_rows, data1_cols, data2_cols)
[docs]def np_comparison_check(h2o_data, np_data, num_elements): """ Check values achieved by h2o against values achieved by numpy :param h2o_data: an H2OFrame or H2OVec :param np_data: a numpy array :param num_elements: number of elements to compare :return: None """ # Check for numpy try: imp.find_module('numpy') except ImportError: assert False, "failed comparison check because unable to import numpy" import numpy as np rows, cols = h2o_data.dim() for i in range(num_elements): r = random.randint(0,rows-1) c = random.randint(0,cols-1) h2o_val = h2o_data[r,c] if isinstance(h2o_data,H2OFrame) else h2o_data[r] np_val = np_data[r,c] if len(np_data.shape) > 1 else np_data[r] assert np.absolute(h2o_val - np_val) < 1e-6, \ "failed comparison check! h2o computed {0} and numpy computed {1}".format(h2o_val, np_val)
def run_test(sys_args, test_to_run): import pkg_resources ver = pkg_resources.get_distribution("h2o").version print "H2O PYTHON PACKAGE VERSION: " + str(ver) ip, port = sys_args[2].split(":") init(ip,port) log_and_echo("------------------------------------------------------------") log_and_echo("") log_and_echo("STARTING TEST: "+str(ou())) log_and_echo("") log_and_echo("------------------------------------------------------------") num_keys = store_size() test_to_run(ip, port) if keys_leaked(num_keys): print "Leaked Keys!"
[docs]def ou(): """ Where is my baguette!? :return: the name of the baguette. oh uhr uhr huhr """ from inspect import stack return stack()[2][1]
[docs]def log_and_echo(message): """ Log a message on the server-side logs This is helpful when running several pieces of work one after the other on a single H2O cluster and you want to make a notation in the H2O server side log where one piece of work ends and the next piece of work begins. Sends a message to H2O for logging. Generally used for debugging purposes. :param message: A character string with the message to write to the log. :return: None """ if message is None: message = "" H2OConnection.post_json("LogAndEcho", message=message)
def ipy_notebook_exec(path,save_and_norun=False): notebook = json.load(open(path)) program = '' for block in ipy_blocks(notebook): for line in ipy_lines(block): if "h2o.init" not in line: program += line if '\n' in line else line + '\n' if save_and_norun: with open(os.path.basename(path).split('ipynb')[0]+'py',"w") as f: f.write(program) else: d={} exec program in d # safe, but horrible (exec is horrible) def ipy_blocks(notebook): if 'worksheets' in notebook.keys(): return notebook['worksheets'][0]['cells'] # just take the first worksheet elif 'cells' in notebook.keys(): return notebook['cells'] else: raise NotImplementedError, "ipython notebook cell/block json format not handled" def ipy_lines(block): if 'source' in block.keys(): return block['source'] elif 'input' in block.keys(): return block['input'] else: raise NotImplementedError, "ipython notebook source/line json format not handled"
[docs]def remove(object): """ Remove object from H2O. This is a "hard" delete of the object. It removes all subparts. :param object: The object pointing to the object to be removed. :return: None """ if object is None: raise ValueError("remove with no object is not supported, for your protection") if isinstance(object, H2OFrame): fr = H2OFrame.send_frame(object) remove(fr) object._vecs=[] elif isinstance(object, H2OVec): H2OConnection.delete("DKV/"+str(object.key())) object._expr=None object=None else: H2OConnection.delete("DKV/" + object) # # else: # raise ValueError("Can't remove objects of type: " + id.__class__)
[docs]def remove_all(): """ Remove all objects from H2O. :return None """ H2OConnection.delete("DKV")
[docs]def removeFrameShallow(key): """ Do a shallow DKV remove of the frame (does not remove any internal Vecs). This is a "soft" delete. Just removes the top level pointer, but all big data remains! :param key: A Frame Key to be removed :return: None """ rapids("(removeframe '"+key+"')") return None
[docs]def rapids(expr): """ Fire off a Rapids expression. :param expr: The rapids expression (ascii string). :return: The JSON response of the Rapids execution """ result = H2OConnection.post_json("Rapids", ast=urllib.quote(expr)) if result['error'] is not None: raise EnvironmentError("rapids expression not evaluated: {0}".format(str(result['error']))) return result
[docs]def frame(frame_id): """ Retrieve metadata for a id that points to a Frame. :param frame_id: A pointer to a Frame in H2O. :return: Meta information on the frame """ return H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/" + urllib.quote(frame_id))
[docs]def frames(): """ Retrieve all the Frames. :return: Meta information on the frames """ return H2OConnection.get_json("Frames")
[docs]def frame_summary(key): """ Retrieve metadata and summary information for a key that points to a Frame/Vec :param key: A pointer to a Frame/Vec in H2O :return: Meta and summary info on the frame """ # frames_meta = H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/" + key) frame_summary = H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/" + urllib.quote(key) + "/summary") return frame_summary
[docs]def download_pojo(model,path=""): """ Download the POJO for this model to the directory specified by path (no trailing slash!). If path is "", then dump to screen. :param model: Retrieve this model's scoring POJO. :param path: An absolute path to the directory where POJO should be saved. :return: None """ model_id = model._key java = H2OConnection.get( ""+model_id ) file_path = path + "/" + model_id + ".java" if path == "": print java.text else: with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(java.text) # Non-Mutating cbind
[docs]def cbind(left,right): """ :param left: H2OFrame or H2OVec :param right: H2OFrame or H2OVec :return: new H2OFrame with left|right cbinded """ # Check left and right data types vecs = [] if isinstance(left,H2OFrame) and isinstance(right,H2OFrame): vecs = left._vecs + right._vecs elif isinstance(left,H2OFrame) and isinstance(right,H2OVec): [vecs.append(vec) for vec in left._vecs] vecs.append(right) elif isinstance(left,H2OVec) and isinstance(right,H2OVec): vecs = [left, right] elif isinstance(left,H2OVec) and isinstance(right,H2OFrame): vecs.append(left) [vecs.append(vec) for vec in right._vecs] else: raise ValueError("left and right data must be H2OVec or H2OFrame") names = [ for vec in vecs] fr = H2OFrame.py_tmp_key() cbind = "(= !" + fr + " (cbind %FALSE %" cbind += " %".join([vec._expr.eager() for vec in vecs]) + "))" rapids(cbind) j = frame(fr) fr = j['frames'][0] rows = fr['rows'] vec_ids = fr['vec_ids'] cols = fr['columns'] colnames = [col['label'] for col in cols] result = H2OFrame(vecs=H2OVec.new_vecs(zip(colnames, vec_ids), rows)) result.setNames(names) return result
[docs]def init(ip="localhost", port=54321, size=1, start_h2o=False, enable_assertions=False, license=None, max_mem_size_GB=None, min_mem_size_GB=None, ice_root=None, strict_version_check=True): """ Initiate an H2O connection to the specified ip and port. :param ip: An IP address, default is "localhost" :param port: A port, default is 54321 :param size: THe expected number of h2o instances (ignored if start_h2o is True) :param start_h2o: A boolean dictating whether this module should start the H2O jvm. An attempt is made anyways if _connect fails. :param enable_assertions: If start_h2o, pass `-ea` as a VM option.s :param license: If not None, is a path to a license file. :param max_mem_size_GB: Maximum heap size (jvm option Xmx) in gigabytes. :param min_mem_size_GB: Minimum heap size (jvm option Xms) in gigabytes. :param ice_root: A temporary directory (default location is determined by tempfile.mkdtemp()) to hold H2O log files. :return: None """ H2OConnection(ip=ip, port=port,start_h2o=start_h2o,enable_assertions=enable_assertions,license=license,max_mem_size_GB=max_mem_size_GB,min_mem_size_GB=min_mem_size_GB,ice_root=ice_root,strict_version_check=strict_version_check) return None
[docs]def export_file(frame,path,force=False): """ Export a given H2OFrame to a path on the machine this python session is currently connected to. To view the current session, call h2o.cluster_info(). :param frame: The Frame to save to disk. :param path: The path to the save point on disk. :param force: Overwrite any preexisting file with the same path :return: None """ fr = H2OFrame.send_frame(frame) f = "true" if force else "false" H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/"+str(fr)+"/export/"+path+"/overwrite/"+f)
[docs]def cluster_info(): """ Display the current H2O cluster information. :return: None """ H2OConnection._cluster_info()
[docs]def deeplearning(x,y=None,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a supervised Deep Learning model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) :return: Return a new classifier or regression model. """ return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"deeplearning",kwargs)
[docs]def autoencoder(x,**kwargs): """ Build an Autoencoder :param x: Columns with which to build an autoencoder :param kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the autoencoder. :return: A new autoencoder model """ return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised_model_build(x,None,"autoencoder",kwargs)
[docs]def gbm(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a Gradient Boosted Method model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) :return: A new classifier or regression model. """ return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"gbm",kwargs)
[docs]def glm(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a Generalized Linear Model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) :return: A new regression or binomial classifier. """ kwargs = dict([(k, kwargs[k]) if k != "Lambda" else ("lambda", kwargs[k]) for k in kwargs]) return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"glm",kwargs)
[docs]def kmeans(x,validation_x=None,**kwargs): """ Build a KMeans model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) :return: A new clustering model """ return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised_model_build(x,validation_x,"kmeans",kwargs)
[docs]def random_forest(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs): """ Build a Random Forest Model (kwargs are the same arguments that you can find in FLOW) :return: A new classifier or regression model. """ return h2o_model_builder.supervised_model_build(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,"drf",kwargs)
def ddply(frame,cols,fun): return frame.ddply(cols,fun) def group_by(frame,cols,aggregates): return frame.group_by(cols,aggregates) def network_test(): res = H2OConnection.get_json(url_suffix="NetworkTest") res["table"].show()
[docs]def locate(path): """ Search for a relative path and turn it into an absolute path. This is handy when hunting for data files to be passed into h2o and used by import file. Note: This function is for unit testing purposes only. :param path: Path to search for :return: Absolute path if it is found. None otherwise. """ tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()) possible_result = os.path.join(tmp_dir, path) while (True): if (os.path.exists(possible_result)): return possible_result next_tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(tmp_dir) if (next_tmp_dir == tmp_dir): return None tmp_dir = next_tmp_dir possible_result = os.path.join(tmp_dir, path)
[docs]def store_size(): """ Get the H2O store size (current count of keys). :return: number of keys in H2O cloud """ return rapids("(store_size)")["result"]
[docs]def keys_leaked(num_keys): """ Ask H2O if any keys leaked. @param num_keys: The number of keys that should be there. :return: A boolean True/False if keys leaked. If keys leaked, check H2O logs for further detail. """ return rapids("keys_leaked #{})".format(num_keys))["result"]=="TRUE"
[docs]def as_list(data, use_pandas=True): """ Convert an H2O data object into a python-specific object. WARNING: This will pull all data local! If Pandas is available (and use_pandas is True), then pandas will be used to parse the data frame. Otherwise, a list-of-lists populated by character data will be returned (so the types of data will all be str). :param data: An H2O data object. :param use_pandas: Try to use pandas for reading in the data. :return: List of list (Rows x Columns). """ # check to see if we can use pandas found_pandas=False try: imp.find_module('pandas') # if have pandas, use this to eat a frame found_pandas = True except ImportError: found_pandas = False # if frame, download the frame and jam into lol or pandas df if isinstance(data, H2OFrame): fr = H2OFrame.send_frame(data) res = _as_data_frame(fr, use_pandas and found_pandas) removeFrameShallow(fr) return res if isinstance(data, Expr): if data.is_local(): return data._data if data.is_pending(): data.eager() if data.is_local(): return [data._data] if isinstance(data._data, list) else [[data._data]] return _as_data_frame(data._data, use_pandas and found_pandas) if isinstance(data, H2OVec): if data._expr.is_local(): return data._expr._data if data._expr.is_pending(): data._expr.eager() if data._expr.is_local(): return [[data._expr._data]] return as_list(H2OFrame(vecs=[data]), use_pandas)
def _as_data_frame(id, use_pandas): url = 'http://' + H2OConnection.ip() + ':' + str(H2OConnection.port()) + "/3/DownloadDataset?frame_id=" + urllib.quote(id) + "&hex_string=false" response = urllib2.urlopen(url) if use_pandas: import pandas return pandas.read_csv(response, low_memory=False) else: cr = csv.reader(response) rows = [] for row in cr: rows.append(row) return rows def logical_negation(data) : return data.logical_negation() def cos(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("cos", data) def sin(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("sin", data) def tan(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("tan", data) def acos(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("acos", data) def asin(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("asin", data) def atan(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("atan", data) def cosh(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("cosh", data) def sinh(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("sinh", data) def tanh(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("tanh", data) def acosh(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("acosh", data) def asinh(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("asinh", data) def atanh(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("atanh", data) def cospi(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("cospi", data) def sinpi(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("sinpi", data) def tanpi(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("tanpi", data) def abs(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("abs", data) def sign(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("sign", data) def sqrt(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("sqrt", data) def trunc(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("trunc", data) def ceil(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("ceiling", data) def floor(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("floor", data) def log(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("log", data) def log10(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("log10", data) def log1p(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("log1p", data) def log2(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("log2", data) def exp(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("exp", data) def expm1(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("expm1", data) def gamma(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("gamma", data) def lgamma(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("lgamma", data) def digamma(data) : return _simple_un_math_op("digamma", data) def trigamma(data): return _simple_un_math_op("trigamma", data) def _simple_un_math_op(op, data): """ Element-wise math operations on H2OFrame and H2OVec :param op: the math operation :param data: the H2OFrame or H2OVec object to operate on. :return: H2OFrame or H2oVec, with lazy operation """ if isinstance(data, H2OFrame): return H2OFrame(vecs=[_simple_un_math_op(op,vec) for vec in data._vecs]) if isinstance(data, H2OVec) : return H2OVec(data._name, Expr(op, left=data, length=len(data))) raise ValueError, op + " only operates on H2OFrame or H2OVec objects" # generic reducers: these are eager def min(data) : return data.min() def max(data) : return data.max() def sum(data) : return data.sum() def sd(data) : return def var(data) : return data.var() def mean(data) : return data.mean() def median(data): return data.median()
[docs]class H2ODisplay: """ Pretty printing for H2O Objects; Handles both IPython and vanilla console display """ THOUSANDS = "{:,}" def __init__(self,table=None,header=None,table_header=None,**kwargs): self.table_header=table_header self.header=header self.table=table self.kwargs=kwargs self.do_print=True # one-shot display... never return an H2ODisplay object (or try not to) # if holding onto a display object, then may have odd printing behavior # the __repr__ and _repr_html_ methods will try to save you from many prints, # but just be WARNED that your mileage may vary! # # In other words, it's better to just new one of these when you're ready to print out. if self.table_header is not None: print print self.table_header + ":" print if H2ODisplay._in_ipy(): from IPython.display import display display(self) self.do_print=False else: self.pprint() self.do_print=False # for Ipython def _repr_html_(self): if self.do_print: return H2ODisplay._html_table(self.table,self.header) def pprint(self): r = self.__repr__() print r # for python REPL console def __repr__(self): if self.do_print or not H2ODisplay._in_ipy(): if self.header is None: # tabulate is picky; can't handle None for headers... return tabulate.tabulate(self.table,**self.kwargs) else: return tabulate.tabulate(self.table,headers=self.header,**self.kwargs) self.do_print=True return "" @staticmethod def _in_ipy(): # are we in ipy? then pretty print tables with _repr_html try: __IPYTHON__ return True except NameError: return False # some html table builder helper things @staticmethod def _html_table(rows, header=None): table= "<div style=\"overflow:auto\"><table style=\"width:50%\">{}</table></div>" # keep table in a div for scroll-a-bility table_rows=[] if header is not None: table_rows.append(H2ODisplay._html_row(header)) for row in rows: table_rows.append(H2ODisplay._html_row(row)) return table.format("\n".join(table_rows)) @staticmethod def _html_row(row): res = "<tr>{}</tr>" entry = "<td>{}</td>" entries = "\n".join([entry.format(str(r)) for r in row]) return res.format(entries)