Importing Multiple Files ------------------------ The ``importFolder`` (R)/``import_file`` (Python) function can be used to import multiple files by specifying a directory and a pattern. Example patterns include: - ``pattern="/A/.*/iris_.*"``: Import all files that have the pattern ``/A/.*/iris_.*`` in the specified directory. - ``pattern="/A/iris_.*"``: Import all files that have the pattern ``/A/iris_.*`` in the specified directory. - ``pattern="/A/B/iris_.*"``: Import all files that have the pattern ``/A/B/iris_.*`` in the specified directory. - ``pattern="iris_.*"``: Import all files that have the pattern ``iris_.*`` in the specified directory. **Note**: All files that are specified to be included must have the same number and set of columns. .. example-code:: .. code-block:: r # To import all .csv files from the prostate_folder directory: > library(h2o) > h2o.init(nthreads=-1) > prosPath = system.file("extdata", "prostate_folder", package = "h2o") > prostate_pattern.hex = h2o.importFolder(path = prosPath, pattern = ".*.csv", destination_frame = "prostate.hex") > class(prostate_pattern.hex) > summary(prostate_pattern.hex) .. code-block:: python # To import all files in the iris folder matching the regex "iris_.*\.csv" >>> import h2o >>> h2o.init() >>> iris_pattern = h2o.import_file(path = "../smalldata/iris",pattern = "iris_.*\.csv")