.. _data_sources: Data Sources ============ H2O supports data ingest from various data sources. Natively, a local file system, HDFS and S3 are supported. Additional data sources can be accessed through a generic HDFS API, such as Alluxio or OpenStack Swift. Default Data Sources -------------------- - local file system - S3 - HDFS HDFS-like Data Sources ---------------------- Various data sources can be accessed through an HDFS API. In this case, a library providing access to a data source needs to be passed on a command line when H2O is launched (Reminder: Each node in the cluster must be launched in the same way.). The library must be compatible with the HDFS API in order to be registered as a correct HDFS ``FileSystem``. Alluxio FS ~~~~~~~~~~ **Required Library** To access Alluxio data source, an Alluxio client library that is part of Alluxio distribution is required. For example, ``alluxio-1.3.0/core/client/target/alluxio-core-client-1.3.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar``. **H2O Command Line** :: java -cp alluxio-core-client-1.3.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:build/h2o.jar water.H2OApp **URI Scheme** An Alluxio data source is referenced using ``alluxio://`` schema and location of Alluxio master. For example, :: alluxio://localhost:19998/iris.csv **core-site.xml Configuration** Not supported. IBM Swift Object Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Required Library** To access IBM Object Store (which can be exposed via Bluemix or Softlayer), IBM's HDFS driver ``hadoop-openstack.jar`` is required. The driver can be obtained, for example, by running BigInsight instances at location ``/usr/iop/``. Note: The jar available at Maven central is not compatible with IBM Swift Object Storage. **H2O Command Line** :: java -cp hadoop-openstack.jar:h2o.jar water.H2OApp **URI Scheme** Data source is available under the regular Swift URI structure: ``swift://./path/to/file`` For example, :: swift://smalldata.h2o/iris.csv **core-site.xml Configuration** The core-site.xml needs to be configured with Swift Object Store parameters. These are available in the Bluemix/Softlayer management console. .. code:: xml fs.swift.service.SERVICE.auth.url https://identity.open.softlayer.com/v3/auth/tokens fs.swift.service.SERVICE.project.id ... fs.swift.service.SERVICE.user.id ... fs.swift.service.SERVICE.password ... fs.swift.service.SERVICE.region dallas fs.swift.service.SERVICE.public false