Class | Description |
AstCorrelation |
Calculate Pearson's Correlation Coefficient between columns of a frame
Pearson's Correlation Coefficient = Cov(X,Y)/sigma(X) * sigma(Y)
AstDistance |
Calculate Distance Metric between pairs of rows
AstDistance.DistanceComputer | |
AstHist | |
AstHist.FourthMomTask | |
AstHist.HistTask | |
AstHist.ThirdMomTask | |
AstImpute |
Impute columns of a data frame in place.
AstKFold | |
AstKurtosis | |
AstMode |
Find the mode: the most popular element.
AstModuloKFold | |
AstQtile |
(quantile %frame [numnber_list_probs] "string_interpolation_type")
AstRunif | |
AstSkewness | |
AstStratifiedKFold | |
AstStratifiedSplit | |
AstStratifiedSplit.ClassAssignMRTask | |
AstStratifiedSplit.ClassIdxTask | |
AstStratifiedSplit.LongAry | |
AstTable |
Variance between columns of a frame
TODO: Define "table" in terms of "groupby"
TODO: keep dense format for two-column comparison (like in previous version of Rapids)
(table X Y) ==>
(groupby (cbind X Y) [X Y] nrow TRUE)
AstUnique | |
AstVariance |
Variance between columns of a frame