``sample_size`` --------------- - Available in: Isolation Forest - Hyperparameter: yes Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This option specifies the number of randomly sampled observations used to train each Isolation Forest tree. If set to -1, ``sample_rate`` will be used instead. This value defaults to 256. Related Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - none Example ~~~~~~~ .. example-code:: .. code-block:: r library(h2o) h2o.init() # import the ecg discord datasets: train <- h2o.importFile("http://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/anomaly/ecg_discord_train.csv") test <- h2o.importFile("http://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/anomaly/ecg_discord_test.csv") # train using the `sample_size` parameter: isofor_model <- h2o.isolationForest(training_frame=train, sample_size=5, ntrees=7) # test the prediction anomaly_score <- h2o.predict(isofor_model, test) anomaly_score predict mean_length 1 -0.16666667 2.857143 2 -0.16666667 2.857143 3 -0.08333333 2.714286 4 0.16666667 2.285714 5 0.00000000 2.571429 6 0.33333333 2.000000 [23 rows x 2 columns] .. code-block:: python import h2o from h2o.estimators.isolation_forest import H2OIsolationForestEstimator h2o.init() # import the ecg discord datasets: train = h2o.import_file("http://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/anomaly/ecg_discord_train.csv") test = h2o.import_file("http://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/anomaly/ecg_discord_test.csv") # try using the `sample_size` parameter: isofor_model = H2OIsolationForestEstimator(sample_size = 5, ntrees=7) # then train your model isofor_model.train(training_frame = train) perf = isofor_model.model_performance() perf ModelMetricsAnomaly: isolationforest ** Reported on train data. ** Anomaly Score: 1.1392230576441102 Normalized Anomaly Score: 0.3631578947368421 test_pred = isofor_model.predict(test) test_pred predict mean_length --------- ------------- -0.1 1.57143 -0.1 1.57143 0 1.42857 0 1.42857 0 1.42857 -0.1 1.57143 0.1 1.28571 0 1.42857 0.2 1.14286 -0.1 1.57143 [23 rows x 2 columns]