``stratify_by`` --------------- - Available in: CoxPH - Hyperparameter: no Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ In a CoxPH model, stratification is useful as a diagnostic for checking the proportional hazards assumption, as it allows for as many different hazard functions as there are strata. For example, when attempting to predict X, you can include a secondary categorical predictor, Z, that can be adjusted for when making inferences about X’s relationship to the time-to-event endpoint. Use the ```stratify_by`` parameter to specify a list of columns to use for stratification when building a CoxPH model. Related Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - None Example ~~~~~~~ .. example-code:: .. code-block:: r library(h2o) h2o.init() # import the heart dataset heart <- h2o.importFile("http://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/coxph_test/heart.csv") # set the predictor and response column x <- "age" y <- "event" # set the start and stop columns start <- "start" stop <- "stop" # convert the age column to a factor heart["age"] <- as.factor(heart["age"]) # train your model coxph.h2o <- h2o.coxph(x=c("year", x), event_column=y, start_column=start, stop_column=stop, stratify_by=x, training_frame=heart) # view the model details coxph.h2o Model Details: ============== H2OCoxPHModel: coxph Model ID: CoxPH_model_R_1570209287520_5 Call: Surv(start, stop, event) ~ year + strata(age) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p year 4.734 113.717 8973.421 0.001 1 Likelihood ratio test=1.39 on 1 df, p=0.239 n= 172, number of events= 75