Source code for h2o.model.metrics_base

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Regression model.

:copyright: (c) 2016
:license:   Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import imp

from h2o.model.confusion_matrix import ConfusionMatrix
from h2o.utils.metaclass import BackwardsCompatible, Deprecated as deprecated, h2o_meta
from h2o.utils.compatibility import *  # NOQA
from h2o.utils.typechecks import assert_is_type, assert_satisfies, is_type, numeric

[docs]@BackwardsCompatible( instance_attrs=dict( giniCoef=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: self.gini(*args, **kwargs) ) ) class MetricsBase(h2o_meta()): """ A parent class to house common metrics available for the various Metrics types. The methods here are available across different model categories. """ def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): # Yep, it's messed up... if isinstance(metric_json, MetricsBase): metric_json = metric_json._metric_json self._metric_json = metric_json # train and valid and xval are not mutually exclusive -- could have a test. train and # valid only make sense at model build time. self._on_train = False self._on_valid = False self._on_xval = False self._algo = algo if on == "training_metrics": self._on_train = True elif on == "validation_metrics": self._on_valid = True elif on == "cross_validation_metrics": self._on_xval = True elif on is None: pass else: raise ValueError("on expected to be train,valid,or xval. Got: " + str(on))
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, kvs): """Factory method to instantiate a MetricsBase object from the list of key-value pairs.""" return cls(metric_json=dict(kvs))
def __repr__(self): # FIXME !!! __repr__ should never print anything, but return a string return "" # TODO: convert to actual fields list def __getitem__(self, key): return self._metric_json.get(key) @staticmethod def _has(dictionary, key): return key in dictionary and dictionary[key] is not None
[docs] def show(self): """Display a short summary of the metrics.""" if self._metric_json==None: print("WARNING: Model metrics cannot be calculated and metric_json is empty due to the absence of the response column in your dataset.") return metric_type = self._metric_json['__meta']['schema_type'] types_w_glm = ['ModelMetricsRegressionGLM', 'ModelMetricsRegressionGLMGeneric', 'ModelMetricsBinomialGLM', 'ModelMetricsBinomialGLMGeneric', 'ModelMetricsHGLMGaussianGaussian', 'ModelMetricsHGLMGaussianGaussianGeneric'] types_w_clustering = ['ModelMetricsClustering'] types_w_mult = ['ModelMetricsMultinomial', 'ModelMetricsMultinomialGeneric'] types_w_ord = ['ModelMetricsOrdinal', 'ModelMetricsOrdinalGeneric'] types_w_bin = ['ModelMetricsBinomial', 'ModelMetricsBinomialGeneric', 'ModelMetricsBinomialGLM', 'ModelMetricsBinomialGLMGeneric'] types_w_r2 = ['ModelMetricsRegressionGLM', 'ModelMetricsRegressionGLMGeneric'] types_w_mean_residual_deviance = ['ModelMetricsRegressionGLM', 'ModelMetricsRegressionGLMGeneric', 'ModelMetricsRegression', 'ModelMetricsRegressionGeneric'] types_w_mean_absolute_error = ['ModelMetricsRegressionGLM', 'ModelMetricsRegressionGLMGeneric', 'ModelMetricsRegression', 'ModelMetricsRegressionGeneric'] types_w_logloss = types_w_bin + types_w_mult+types_w_ord types_w_dim = ["ModelMetricsGLRM"] types_w_anomaly = ['ModelMetricsAnomaly'] print() print(metric_type + ": " + self._algo) reported_on = "** Reported on {} data. **" if self._on_train: print(reported_on.format("train")) elif self._on_valid: print(reported_on.format("validation")) elif self._on_xval: print(reported_on.format("cross-validation")) else: print(reported_on.format("test")) print() if metric_type not in types_w_anomaly: print("MSE: " + str(self.mse())) print("RMSE: " + str(self.rmse())) if metric_type in types_w_mean_absolute_error: print("MAE: " + str(self.mae())) print("RMSLE: " + str(self.rmsle())) if metric_type in types_w_r2: print("R^2: " + str(self.r2())) if metric_type in types_w_mean_residual_deviance: print("Mean Residual Deviance: " + str(self.mean_residual_deviance())) if metric_type in types_w_logloss: print("LogLoss: " + str(self.logloss())) if metric_type in ['ModelMetricsBinomial', 'ModelMetricsBinomialGeneric']: # second element for first threshold is the actual mean per class error print("Mean Per-Class Error: %s" % self.mean_per_class_error()[0][1]) if metric_type in types_w_mult or metric_type in ['ModelMetricsOrdinal', 'ModelMetricsOrdinalGeneric']: print("Mean Per-Class Error: " + str(self.mean_per_class_error())) if metric_type in types_w_glm: if metric_type == 'ModelMetricsHGLMGaussianGaussian': # print something for HGLM print("Standard error of fixed columns: "+str(self.hglm_metric("sefe"))) print("Standard error of random columns: "+str(self.hglm_metric("sere"))) print("Coefficients for fixed columns: "+str(self.hglm_metric("fixedf"))) print("Coefficients for random columns: "+str(self.hglm_metric("ranef"))) print("Random column indices: "+str(self.hglm_metric("randc"))) print("Dispersion parameter of the mean model (residual variance for LMM): "+str(self.hglm_metric("varfix"))) print("Dispersion parameter of the random columns (variance of random columns): "+str(self.hglm_metric("varranef"))) print("Convergence reached for algorithm: "+str(self.hglm_metric("converge"))) print("Deviance degrees of freedom for mean part of the model: "+str(self.hglm_metric("dfrefe"))) print("Estimates and standard errors of the linear prediction in the dispersion model: "+str(self.hglm_metric("summvc1"))) print("Estimates and standard errors of the linear predictor for the dispersion parameter of the random columns: "+str(self.hglm_metric("summvc2"))) print("Index of most influential observation (-1 if none): "+str(self.hglm_metric("bad"))) print("H-likelihood: "+str(self.hglm_metric("hlik"))) print("Profile log-likelihood profiled over random columns: "+str(self.hglm_metric("pvh"))) print("Adjusted profile log-likelihood profiled over fixed and random effects: "+str(self.hglm_metric("pbvh"))) print("Conditional AIC: "+str(self.hglm_metric("caic"))) else: print("Null degrees of freedom: " + str(self.null_degrees_of_freedom())) print("Residual degrees of freedom: " + str(self.residual_degrees_of_freedom())) print("Null deviance: " + str(self.null_deviance())) print("Residual deviance: " + str(self.residual_deviance())) print("AIC: " + str(self.aic())) if metric_type in types_w_bin: print("AUC: " + str(self.auc())) print("AUCPR: " + str(self.aucpr())) print("Gini: " + str(self.gini())) self.confusion_matrix().show() self._metric_json["max_criteria_and_metric_scores"].show() if self.gains_lift(): print(self.gains_lift()) if metric_type in types_w_anomaly: print("Anomaly Score: " + str(self.mean_score())) print("Normalized Anomaly Score: " + str(self.mean_normalized_score())) if (metric_type in types_w_mult) or (metric_type in types_w_ord): self.confusion_matrix().show() self.hit_ratio_table().show() if metric_type in types_w_clustering: print("Total Within Cluster Sum of Square Error: " + str(self.tot_withinss())) print("Total Sum of Square Error to Grand Mean: " + str(self.totss())) print("Between Cluster Sum of Square Error: " + str(self.betweenss())) self._metric_json['centroid_stats'].show() if metric_type in types_w_dim: print("Sum of Squared Error (Numeric): " + str(self.num_err())) print("Misclassification Error (Categorical): " + str(self.cat_err())) if self.custom_metric_name(): print("{}: {}".format(self.custom_metric_name(), self.custom_metric_value()))
[docs] def r2(self): """The R squared coefficient.""" return self._metric_json["r2"]
[docs] def logloss(self): """Log loss.""" return self._metric_json["logloss"]
[docs] def nobs(self): """The number of observations.""" return self._metric_json["nobs"]
[docs] def mean_residual_deviance(self): """The mean residual deviance for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json["mean_residual_deviance"]
[docs] def auc(self): """The AUC for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json['AUC']
[docs] def aucpr(self): """The area under the precision recall curve.""" return self._metric_json['pr_auc']
[docs] @deprecated(replaced_by=aucpr) def pr_auc(self): pass
[docs] def aic(self): """The AIC for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json['AIC']
[docs] def gini(self): """Gini coefficient.""" return self._metric_json['Gini']
[docs] def mse(self): """The MSE for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json['MSE']
[docs] def rmse(self): """The RMSE for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json['RMSE']
[docs] def mae(self): """The MAE for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json['mae']
[docs] def rmsle(self): """The RMSLE for this set of metrics.""" return self._metric_json['rmsle']
[docs] def residual_deviance(self): """The residual deviance if the model has it, otherwise None.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "residual_deviance"): return self._metric_json["residual_deviance"] return None
[docs] def hglm_metric(self, metric_string): if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, metric_string): return self._metric_json[metric_string] return None
[docs] def residual_degrees_of_freedom(self): """The residual DoF if the model has residual deviance, otherwise None.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "residual_degrees_of_freedom"): return self._metric_json["residual_degrees_of_freedom"] return None
[docs] def null_deviance(self): """The null deviance if the model has residual deviance, otherwise None.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "null_deviance"): return self._metric_json["null_deviance"] return None
[docs] def null_degrees_of_freedom(self): """The null DoF if the model has residual deviance, otherwise None.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "null_degrees_of_freedom"): return self._metric_json["null_degrees_of_freedom"] return None
[docs] def mean_per_class_error(self): """The mean per class error.""" return self._metric_json['mean_per_class_error']
[docs] def custom_metric_name(self): """Name of custom metric or None.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "custom_metric_name"): return self._metric_json['custom_metric_name'] else: return None
[docs] def custom_metric_value(self): """Value of custom metric or None.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "custom_metric_value"): return self._metric_json['custom_metric_value'] else: return None
[docs]class H2ORegressionModelMetrics(MetricsBase): """ This class provides an API for inspecting the metrics returned by a regression model. It is possible to retrieve the R^2 (1 - MSE/variance) and MSE. """ def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2ORegressionModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs]class H2OClusteringModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OClusteringModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs] def tot_withinss(self): """The Total Within Cluster Sum-of-Square Error, or None if not present.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "tot_withinss"): return self._metric_json["tot_withinss"] return None
[docs] def totss(self): """The Total Sum-of-Square Error to Grand Mean, or None if not present.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "totss"): return self._metric_json["totss"] return None
[docs] def betweenss(self): """The Between Cluster Sum-of-Square Error, or None if not present.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "betweenss"): return self._metric_json["betweenss"] return None
[docs]class H2OMultinomialModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OMultinomialModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs] def confusion_matrix(self): """Returns a confusion matrix based of H2O's default prediction threshold for a dataset.""" return self._metric_json['cm']['table']
[docs] def hit_ratio_table(self): """Retrieve the Hit Ratios.""" return self._metric_json['hit_ratio_table']
[docs]class H2OOrdinalModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OOrdinalModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs] def confusion_matrix(self): """Returns a confusion matrix based of H2O's default prediction threshold for a dataset.""" return self._metric_json['cm']['table']
[docs] def hit_ratio_table(self): """Retrieve the Hit Ratios.""" return self._metric_json['hit_ratio_table']
[docs]class H2OHGLMModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo="HGLM Gaussian Gaussian"): super(H2OHGLMModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs]class H2OBinomialModelMetrics(MetricsBase): """ This class is essentially an API for the AUC object. This class contains methods for inspecting the AUC for different criteria. To input the different criteria, use the static variable `criteria`. """ def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): """ Create a new Binomial Metrics object (essentially a wrapper around some json) :param metric_json: A blob of json holding all of the needed information :param on_train: Metrics built on training data (default is False) :param on_valid: Metrics built on validation data (default is False) :param on_xval: Metrics built on cross validation data (default is False) :param algo: The algorithm the metrics are based off of (e.g. deeplearning, gbm, etc.) :returns: A new H2OBinomialModelMetrics object. """ super(H2OBinomialModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs] def F1(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The F1 for the given set of thresholds. """ return self.metric("f1", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def F2(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The F2 for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("f2", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def F0point5(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The F0.5 for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("f0point5", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def accuracy(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The accuracy for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("accuracy", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def error(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold minimizing the error will be used. :returns: The error for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return H2OBinomialModelMetrics._accuracy_to_error(self.metric("accuracy", thresholds=thresholds))
[docs] def precision(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The precision for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("precision", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def tpr(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The True Postive Rate. """ return self.metric("tpr", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def tnr(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The True Negative Rate. """ return self.metric("tnr", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def fnr(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The False Negative Rate. """ return self.metric("fnr", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def fpr(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The False Positive Rate. """ return self.metric("fpr", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def recall(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: Recall for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("recall", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def sensitivity(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: Sensitivity or True Positive Rate for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("sensitivity", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def fallout(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The fallout (same as False Positive Rate) for this set of metrics and thresholds. """ return self.metric("fallout", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def missrate(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The miss rate (same as False Negative Rate). """ return self.metric("missrate", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def specificity(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The specificity (same as True Negative Rate). """ return self.metric("specificity", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def mcc(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. :returns: The absolute MCC (a value between 0 and 1, 0 being totally dissimilar, 1 being identical). """ return self.metric("absolute_mcc", thresholds=thresholds)
[docs] def max_per_class_error(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold minimizing the error will be used. :returns: Return 1 - min(per class accuracy). """ return H2OBinomialModelMetrics._accuracy_to_error(self.metric("min_per_class_accuracy", thresholds=thresholds))
[docs] def mean_per_class_error(self, thresholds=None): """ :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold minimizing the error will be used. :returns: mean per class error. """ return H2OBinomialModelMetrics._accuracy_to_error(self.metric("mean_per_class_accuracy", thresholds=thresholds))
@staticmethod def _accuracy_to_error(accuracies): errors = List() errors.extend([acc[0], 1 - acc[1]] for acc in accuracies) setattr(errors, 'value', [1 - v for v in accuracies.value] if isinstance(accuracies.value, list) else 1 - accuracies.value ) return errors
[docs] def metric(self, metric, thresholds=None): """ :param str metric: A metric among :const:`maximizing_metrics`. :param thresholds: thresholds parameter must be a number or a list (i.e. [0.01, 0.5, 0.99]). If None, then the threshold maximizing the metric will be used. If 'all', then all stored thresholds are used and returned with the matching metric. :returns: The set of metrics for the list of thresholds. The returned list has a 'value' property holding only the metric value (if no threshold provided or if provided as a number), or all the metric values (if thresholds provided as a list) """ assert_is_type(thresholds, None, 'all', numeric, [numeric]) if metric not in H2OBinomialModelMetrics.maximizing_metrics: raise ValueError("The only allowable metrics are {}".format(', '.join(H2OBinomialModelMetrics.maximizing_metrics))) h2o_metric = (H2OBinomialModelMetrics.metrics_aliases[metric] if metric in H2OBinomialModelMetrics.metrics_aliases else metric) value_is_scalar = is_type(metric, str) and (thresholds is None or is_type(thresholds, numeric)) if thresholds is None: thresholds = [self.find_threshold_by_max_metric(h2o_metric)] elif thresholds == 'all': thresholds = None elif is_type(thresholds, numeric): thresholds = [thresholds] metrics = List() thresh2d = self._metric_json['thresholds_and_metric_scores'] if thresholds is None: # fast path to return all thresholds: skipping find_idx logic metrics.extend(list(t) for t in zip(thresh2d['threshold'], thresh2d[h2o_metric])) else: for t in thresholds: idx = self.find_idx_by_threshold(t) metrics.append([t, thresh2d[h2o_metric][idx]]) setattr(metrics, 'value', metrics[0][1] if value_is_scalar else list(r[1] for r in metrics) ) return metrics
[docs] def plot(self, type="roc", server=False): """ Produce the desired metric plot. :param type: the type of metric plot (currently, only ROC supported). :param server: if True, generate plot inline using matplotlib's "Agg" backend. :returns: None """ # TODO: add more types (i.e. cutoffs) assert_is_type(type, "roc") # check for matplotlib. exit if absent. try: imp.find_module('matplotlib') import matplotlib if server: matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=False) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print("matplotlib is required for this function!") return if type == "roc": plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate (FPR)') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate (TPR)') plt.title('ROC Curve') plt.text(0.5, 0.5, r'AUC={0:.4f}'.format(self._metric_json["AUC"])) plt.plot(self.fprs, self.tprs, 'b--') plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) if not server:
@property def fprs(self): """ Return all false positive rates for all threshold values. :returns: a list of false positive rates. """ return self._metric_json["thresholds_and_metric_scores"]["fpr"] @property def tprs(self): """ Return all true positive rates for all threshold values. :returns: a list of true positive rates. """ return self._metric_json["thresholds_and_metric_scores"]["tpr"]
[docs] def roc(self): """ Return the coordinates of the ROC curve as a tuple containing the false positive rates as a list and true positive rates as a list. :returns: The ROC values. """ return self.fprs, self.tprs
metrics_aliases = dict( fallout='fpr', missrate='fnr', recall='tpr', sensitivity='tpr', specificity='tnr' ) #: metrics names allowed for confusion matrix maximizing_metrics = ('absolute_mcc', 'accuracy', 'precision', 'f0point5', 'f1', 'f2', 'mean_per_class_accuracy', 'min_per_class_accuracy', 'tns', 'fns', 'fps', 'tps', 'tnr', 'fnr', 'fpr', 'tpr') + tuple(metrics_aliases.keys())
[docs] def confusion_matrix(self, metrics=None, thresholds=None): """ Get the confusion matrix for the specified metric :param metrics: A string (or list of strings) among metrics listed in :const:`maximizing_metrics`. Defaults to 'f1'. :param thresholds: A value (or list of values) between 0 and 1. If None, then the thresholds maximizing each provided metric will be used. :returns: a list of ConfusionMatrix objects (if there are more than one to return), or a single ConfusionMatrix (if there is only one). """ # make lists out of metrics and thresholds arguments if metrics is None and thresholds is None: metrics = ['f1'] if isinstance(metrics, list): metrics_list = metrics elif metrics is None: metrics_list = [] else: metrics_list = [metrics] if isinstance(thresholds, list): thresholds_list = thresholds elif thresholds is None: thresholds_list = [] else: thresholds_list = [thresholds] # error check the metrics_list and thresholds_list assert_is_type(thresholds_list, [numeric]) assert_satisfies(thresholds_list, all(0 <= t <= 1 for t in thresholds_list)) if not all(m.lower() in H2OBinomialModelMetrics.maximizing_metrics for m in metrics_list): raise ValueError("The only allowable metrics are {}".format(', '.join(H2OBinomialModelMetrics.maximizing_metrics))) # make one big list that combines the thresholds and metric-thresholds metrics_thresholds = [self.find_threshold_by_max_metric(m) for m in metrics_list] for mt in metrics_thresholds: thresholds_list.append(mt) first_metrics_thresholds_offset = len(thresholds_list) - len(metrics_thresholds) thresh2d = self._metric_json['thresholds_and_metric_scores'] actual_thresholds = [float(e[0]) for i, e in enumerate(thresh2d.cell_values)] cms = [] for i, t in enumerate(thresholds_list): idx = self.find_idx_by_threshold(t) row = thresh2d.cell_values[idx] tns = row[11] fns = row[12] fps = row[13] tps = row[14] p = tps + fns n = tns + fps c0 = n - fps c1 = p - tps if t in metrics_thresholds: m = metrics_list[i - first_metrics_thresholds_offset] table_header = "Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max {} @ threshold = {}".format(m, actual_thresholds[idx]) else: table_header = "Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) @ threshold = {}".format(actual_thresholds[idx]) cms.append(ConfusionMatrix(cm=[[c0, fps], [c1, tps]], domains=self._metric_json['domain'], table_header=table_header)) if len(cms) == 1: return cms[0] else: return cms
[docs] def find_threshold_by_max_metric(self, metric): """ :param metrics: A string among the metrics listed in :const:`maximizing_metrics`. :returns: the threshold at which the given metric is maximal. """ crit2d = self._metric_json['max_criteria_and_metric_scores'] # print(crit2d) h2o_metric = (H2OBinomialModelMetrics.metrics_aliases[metric] if metric in H2OBinomialModelMetrics.metrics_aliases else metric) for e in crit2d.cell_values: if e[0] == "max " + h2o_metric.lower(): return e[1] raise ValueError("No metric " + str(metric.lower()))
[docs] def find_idx_by_threshold(self, threshold): """ Retrieve the index in this metric's threshold list at which the given threshold is located. :param threshold: Find the index of this input threshold. :returns: the index :raises ValueError: if no such index can be found. """ assert_is_type(threshold, numeric) thresh2d = self._metric_json['thresholds_and_metric_scores'] # print(thresh2d) for i, e in enumerate(thresh2d.cell_values): t = float(e[0]) if abs(t - threshold) < 1e-8 * max(t, threshold): return i if 0 <= threshold <= 1: thresholds = [float(e[0]) for i, e in enumerate(thresh2d.cell_values)] threshold_diffs = [abs(t - threshold) for t in thresholds] closest_idx = threshold_diffs.index(min(threshold_diffs)) closest_threshold = thresholds[closest_idx] print("Could not find exact threshold {0}; using closest threshold found {1}." .format(threshold, closest_threshold)) return closest_idx raise ValueError("Threshold must be between 0 and 1, but got {0} ".format(threshold))
[docs] def gains_lift(self): """Retrieve the Gains/Lift table.""" if 'gains_lift_table' in self._metric_json: return self._metric_json['gains_lift_table'] return None
[docs]class H2OAutoEncoderModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OAutoEncoderModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs]class H2ODimReductionModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2ODimReductionModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs] def num_err(self): """Sum of Squared Error over non-missing numeric entries, or None if not present.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "numerr"): return self._metric_json["numerr"] return None
[docs] def cat_err(self): """The Number of Misclassified categories over non-missing categorical entries, or None if not present.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "caterr"): return self._metric_json["caterr"] return None
[docs]class H2OWordEmbeddingModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OWordEmbeddingModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs]class H2OAnomalyDetectionModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OAnomalyDetectionModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs] def mean_score(self): """Mean Anomaly Score. For Isolation Forest represents the average of all tree-path lengths.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "mean_score"): return self._metric_json["mean_score"] return None
[docs] def mean_normalized_score(self): """Mean Normalized Anomaly Score. For Isolation Forest - normalized average path length.""" if MetricsBase._has(self._metric_json, "mean_normalized_score"): return self._metric_json["mean_normalized_score"] return None
[docs]class H2OCoxPHModelMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OCoxPHModelMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs]class H2OTargetEncoderMetrics(MetricsBase): def __init__(self, metric_json, on=None, algo=""): super(H2OTargetEncoderMetrics, self).__init__(metric_json, on, algo)
[docs]class List(list): pass