Downloading Logs

This section describes how non-Hadoop and Hadoop users can access logs.

For Non-Hadoop Users

Without Current Jobs

If you are not using Hadoop and the job is not running:

  • In Terminal, enter cd /tmp/h2o-<UserName>/h2ologs (where <UserName> is your computer user name), then enter ls -l to view a list of the log files.

    The httpd log contains the request/response status of all REST API transactions. The rest of the logs use the format h2o_<IPaddress>_<Port>-<LogLevel>-<LogLevelName>.log, where:

    • <IPaddress> is the bind address of the H2O instance

    • <Port> is the port number

    • <LogLevel> is the numerical log level (1-6, with 6 as the highest severity level)

    • <LogLevelName> is the name of the log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal).

With Current Jobs

If you are not using Hadoop and the job is still running:

  • Go to the H2O web UI and select Admin > Inspect Log or go to http://localhost:54321/LogView.html.

    To download the logs, click the Download Logs button.

    When you view the log, the output displays the location of log directory after Log dir: (as shown in the last line in the following example):

05-06 17:12:15.610    26336  main      INFO: ----- H2O started  -----
05-06 17:12:15.731    26336  main      INFO: Build git branch: master
05-06 17:12:15.731    26336  main      INFO: Build git hash: 41d039196088df081ad77610d3e2d6550868f11b
05-06 17:12:15.731    26336  main      INFO: Build git describe: jenkins-master-1187
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Build project version:
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Built by: 'jenkins'
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Built on: '2015-05-05 23:31:12'
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java availableProcessors: 8
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java heap totalMemory: 982.0 MB
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java heap maxMemory: 982.0 MB
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java version: Java 1.7.0_80 (from Oracle Corporation)
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: OS   version: Linux 3.13.0-51-generic (amd64)
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Machine physical memory: 31.30 GB
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: X-h2o-cluster-id: 1430957535344
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: virbr0 (virbr0),
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: br0 (br0),
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: lo (lo),
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Multiple local IPs detected:
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO:   /  /
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Attempting to determine correct address...
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Using /
05-06 17:12:15.734    26336  main      INFO: Internal communication uses port: 54322
05-06 17:12:15.734    26336  main      INFO: Listening for HTTP and REST traffic on
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO: H2O cloud name: 'H2O_29570' on /, discovery address /
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO: If you have trouble connecting, try SSH tunneling from your local machine (e.g., via port 55555):
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO:   1. Open a terminal and run 'ssh -L 55555:localhost:54321 yarn@'
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO:   2. Point your browser to http://localhost:55555
05-06 17:12:15.979    26336  main      INFO: Log dir: '/home2/yarn/nm/usercache/jessica/appcache/application_1430127035640_0075/h2ologs'

  • In Terminal, enter cd /tmp/h2o-<UserName>/h2ologs (where <UserName> is your computer user name), then enter ls -l to view a list of the log files.

    The httpd log contains the request/response status of all REST API transactions. The rest of the logs use the format h2o_<IPaddress>_<Port>-<LogLevel>-<LogLevelName>.log, where:

    • <IPaddress> is the bind address of the H2O instance

    • <Port> is the port number

    • <LogLevel> is the numerical log level (1-6, with 6 as the highest severity level)

    • <LogLevelName> is the name of the log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal).

Logging in R

To view the REST API logs from R:

  1. In R, enter h2o.startLogging(). The output displays the location of the REST API logs:

> h2o.startLogging()
Appending REST API transactions to log file /var/folders/ylcq5nhky53hjcl9wrqxt39kz80000gn/T//RtmpE7X8Yv/rest.log
  1. Copy the displayed file path. In Terminal, enter less and paste the file path.

  2. Press Enter. A time-stamped log of all REST API transactions displays.


Time:     2015-01-06 15:46:11.083


curlError:         FALSE
httpStatusCode:    200
httpStatusMessage: OK
millis:            3

{"__meta":{"schema_version":    1,"schema_name":"CloudV1","schema_type":"Iced"},"version":"","cloud_name":...[truncated]}

To download the logs using R:

In R, enter the command h2o.downloadAllLogs(filename = ""), where filename is the specified filename for the logs. Note that you must include the .zip extension.

Logging in Python

To download the logs using Python:

In Python, enter the command h2o.download_all_logs(dirname='./your_directory_name/', filename = ''), where will download to a folder that is one down from where you are currently working into a directory called your_directory_name. Please note that your_directory_name should be replaced with the name of a directory that you’ve created and that already exists.

Hadoop Users

Depending on whether you are using Hadoop with H2O and whether the job is currently running, there are different ways of obtaining the logs for H2O.

Copy and email the logs to or submit them to with a brief description of your Hadoop environment, including the Hadoop distribution and version.

Without Running Jobs

  • If you are using Hadoop and the job is not running, view the logs by using the yarn logs -applicationId command. When you start an H2O instance, the complete command displays in the output:

    jessica@mr-0x8:~/h2o-$ hadoop jar h2odriver.jar -nodes 1 -mapperXmx 6g -output hdfsOutputDirName
Determining driver host interface for mapper->driver callback...
    [Possible callback IP address:]
    [Possible callback IP address:]
Using mapper->driver callback IP address and port:
(You can override these with -driverif and -driverport.)
Memory Settings:     -Xms1g -Xmx1g -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true
    Extra memory percent:        10     1126
15/05/06 17:11:50 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at mr-0x10.0xdata.loc/
15/05/06 17:11:52 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:1
15/05/06 17:11:52 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1430127035640_0075
15/05/06 17:11:52 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1430127035640_0075
15/05/06 17:11:52 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job: http://mr-0x10.0xdata.loc:8088/proxy/application_1430127035640_0075/
Job name 'H2O_29570' submitted
JobTracker job ID is 'job_1430127035640_0075'
For YARN users, logs command is 'yarn logs -applicationId application_1430127035640_0075'
Waiting for H2O cluster to come up...

In the above example, the command is specified in the next to last line (For YARN users, logs command is...). The command is unique for each instance. In Terminal, enter yarn logs -applicationId application_<UniqueID> to view the logs (where <UniqueID> is the number specified in the next to last line of the output that displayed when you created the cluster).

Use YARN to obtain the stdout and stderr logs that are used for troubleshooting. To learn how to access YARN based on management software, version, and job status, see Accessing YARN.

  1. Click the Applications link to view all jobs, then click the History link for the job.

    Application History
  2. Click the logs link.

    YARN History Logs
  3. Copy the information that displays and send it in an email to

    Logs for Support

With Running Jobs

If you are using Hadoop and the job is still running:

  • Use YARN to obtain the stdout and stderr logs that are used for troubleshooting. To learn how to access YARN based on management software, version, and job status, see Accessing YARN.

  1. Click the Applications link to view all jobs, then click the ApplicationMaster link for the job.

    YARN - Application Master
  2. Select the job from the list of active jobs.

    YARN - Application Master
  3. Click the logs link.

    YARN - Application Master
  4. Send the contents of the displayed files to

    YARN - Application Master

  • Go to the H2O web UI and select Admin > View Log. To filter the results select a node or log file type from the drop-down menus. To download the logs, click the Download Logs button.

    When you view the log, the output displays the location of log directory after Log dir: (as shown in the last line in the following example):

05-06 17:12:15.610    26336  main      INFO: ----- H2O started  -----
05-06 17:12:15.731    26336  main      INFO: Build git branch: master
05-06 17:12:15.731    26336  main      INFO: Build git hash: 41d039196088df081ad77610d3e2d6550868f11b
05-06 17:12:15.731    26336  main      INFO: Build git describe: jenkins-master-1187
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Build project version:
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Built by: 'jenkins'
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Built on: '2015-05-05 23:31:12'
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java availableProcessors: 8
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java heap totalMemory: 982.0 MB
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java heap maxMemory: 982.0 MB
05-06 17:12:15.732    26336  main      INFO: Java version: Java 1.7.0_80 (from Oracle Corporation)
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: OS   version: Linux 3.13.0-51-generic (amd64)
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Machine physical memory: 31.30 GB
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: X-h2o-cluster-id: 1430957535344
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: virbr0 (virbr0),
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: br0 (br0),
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Possible IP Address: lo (lo),
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Multiple local IPs detected:
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO:   /  /
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Attempting to determine correct address...
05-06 17:12:15.733    26336  main      INFO: Using /
05-06 17:12:15.734    26336  main      INFO: Internal communication uses port: 54322
05-06 17:12:15.734    26336  main      INFO: Listening for HTTP and REST traffic on
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO: H2O cloud name: 'H2O_29570' on /, discovery address /
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO: If you have trouble connecting, try SSH tunneling from your local machine (e.g., via port 55555):
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO:   1. Open a terminal and run 'ssh -L 55555:localhost:54321 yarn@'
05-06 17:12:15.744    26336  main      INFO:   2. Point your browser to http://localhost:55555
05-06 17:12:15.979    26336  main      INFO: Log dir: '/home2/yarn/nm/usercache/jessica/appcache/application_1430127035640_0075/h2ologs'

  • In Terminal, enter cd /tmp/h2o-<UserName>/h2ologs (where <UserName> is your computer user name), then enter ls -l to view a list of the log files. The httpd log contains the request/response status of all REST API transactions. The rest of the logs use the format h2o_\<IPaddress>\_<Port>-<LogLevel>-<LogLevelName>.log, where <IPaddress> is the bind address of the H2O instance, <Port> is the port number, <LogLevel> is the numerical log level (1-6, with 6 as the highest severity level), and <LogLevelName> is the name of the log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal).

  • Download the logs using R. In R, enter the command h2o.downloadAllLogs(filename = "") (where filename is the specified filename for the logs).

Accessing YARN

Methods for accessing YARN vary depending on the default management software and version, as well as job status.

Cloudera 5 & 5.2

  1. In Cloudera Manager, click the YARN link in the cluster section.

Cloudera Manager
  1. In the Quick Links section, select ResourceManager Web UI if the job is running or select HistoryServer Web UI if the job is not running.

Cloudera Manager


  1. From the Ambari Dashboard, select YARN.

  1. From the Quick Links drop-down menu, select ResourceManager UI.
