## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Your next step is to start H2O:
##     > h2o.init()
## For H2O package documentation, ask for help:
##     > ??h2o
## After starting H2O, you can use the Web UI at http://localhost:54321
## For more information visit
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'h2o'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     cor, sd, var
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     &&, %*%, %in%, ||, apply, as.factor, as.numeric, colnames,
##     colnames<-, ifelse, is.character, is.factor, is.numeric, log,
##     log10, log1p, log2, round, signif, trunc
##  Connection successful!
## R is connected to the H2O cluster: 
##     H2O cluster uptime:         1 hours 14 minutes 
##     H2O cluster timezone:       Europe/Prague 
##     H2O data parsing timezone:  UTC 
##     H2O cluster version: 
##     H2O cluster version age:    1 hour and 18 minutes  
##     H2O cluster name:           tomasfryda 
##     H2O cluster total nodes:    1 
##     H2O cluster total memory:   1.23 GB 
##     H2O cluster total cores:    16 
##     H2O cluster allowed cores:  8 
##     H2O cluster healthy:        TRUE 
##     H2O Connection ip:          localhost 
##     H2O Connection port:        54321 
##     H2O Connection proxy:       NA 
##     H2O Internal Security:      FALSE 
##     R Version:                  R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
# Import HMDA dataset
f <- ""
col_types <- list( = c("high_priced"),
                  types = c("factor"))
df <- h2o.importFile(path = f, col.types = col_types)
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |==========                                                            |  14%
  |==============================                                        |  42%
  |============================================                          |  62%
  |===================================================================== |  98%
  |======================================================================| 100%
splits <- h2o.splitFrame(df, ratios = 0.8, seed = 1)
train <- splits[[1]]
test <- splits[[2]]

# Response column and predictor columns
y <- "high_priced"
x <- c("loan_amount",

# Fairness related information
protected_columns <- c("derived_race", "derived_sex")
reference <- c("White", "Male")
favorable_class <- "0"

# Infogram
ig <- h2o.infogram(y = y, x = x, training_frame = train, protected_columns = protected_columns)
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |======================================================================| 100%

# Admissible score frame
asf <- ig@admissible_score
##                column admissible admissible_index relevance_index safety_index
## 1 loan_to_value_ratio          1       1.00000000      1.00000000   1.00000000
## 2      property_value          1       0.23240482      0.14543085   0.29474373
## 3         loan_amount          1       0.17695566      0.12252578   0.21820642
## 4              income          0       0.10680164      0.02650036   0.14869739
## 5   intro_rate_period          0       0.06278644      0.05513249   0.06960376
## 6           loan_term          0       0.04623597      0.05506992   0.03525385
##       cmi_raw
## 1 0.094140609
## 2 0.027747354
## 3 0.020542085
## 4 0.013998463
## 5 0.006552540
## 6 0.003318819
## [7 rows x 6 columns]
da <- h2o.no_progress(h2o.infogram_train_subset_models(ig, h2o.automl, train, test, y, protected_columns, reference, favorable_class, max_models = 10, seed = 1))
pf <- h2o.pareto_front(da, x_metric = "auc", y_metric = "significant_air_min", optimum = "top right", color = "algo")

potentially_fair_model <- h2o.getModel(da[da$significant_air_min > 0.8, "model_id"][[1]])
h2o.inspect_model_fairness(potentially_fair_model, test, protected_columns, reference, favorable_class)

Overview for model XGBoost_1_AutoML_26_20221208_173022

The following table shows fairness metrics for intersections determined using the protected_columns. Apart from the fairness metrics, there is a p-value from Fisher’s exact test or G-test (depends on the size of the intersections) for hypothesis that being selected (positive response) is independent to being in the reference group or a particular protected group. After the table there are two kinds of plot. The first kind starts with AIR prefix which stands for Adverse Impact Ratio. These plots show values relative to the reference group and also show two dashed lines corresponding to 0.8 and 1.25 (the four-fifths rule). The second kind is showing the absolute value of given metrics. The reference group is shown by using a different colored bar.

derived_race derived_sex auc aucpr f1 p.value selectedRatio total AIR_auc AIR_aucpr AIR_f1 AIR_selectedRatio
1 1 1 0.8571429 0.9797694 0.8888889 0.7218205 0.8125 16 1.021821 1.006851 0.9671162 0.9551502
2 2 1 0.7587209 0.9484587 0.825 0.01794821 0.7254902 51 0.9044899 0.9746752 0.8976047 0.8528641
3 3 1 0.916327 0.9850182 0.9608637 0.008695329 0.8966346 416 1.092376 1.012245 1.045425 1.054056
4 4 1 0.7523934 0.8963338 0.8166144 5.958565e-31 0.6866516 884 0.8969466 0.9211095 0.8884811 0.8072066
5 5 1 0.9298246 0.9894649 0.95 0.2362586 0.9545455 22 1.108467 1.016815 1.033605 1.122134
6 6 1 0.7880266 0.964529 0.9204819 0.3187179 0.8686441 472 0.9394258 0.9911897 1.00149 1.021151
7 7 1 0.8345209 0.9715174 0.9197698 0.4772562 0.8551985 5290 0.9948529 0.9983713 1.000715 1.005345
8 1 2 0.5357143 0.8967344 0.8461538 0.2830527 0.75 16 0.6386382 0.9215212 0.9206202 0.8816771
9 2 2 0.8155172 0.9542658 0.9026549 0.3090088 0.8088235 68 0.9721982 0.9806428 0.9820936 0.9508282
10 3 2 0.9533133 0.9971094 0.9692875 8.738433e-12 0.9297235 868 1.136468 1.024671 1.05459 1.092955
11 4 2 0.7505808 0.9194667 0.8421818 2.56071e-14 0.7469066 889 0.8947858 0.9448818 0.9162986 0.8780406
12 5 2 0.7419355 0.9312377 0.9354839 1 0.8611111 36 0.8844795 0.9569782 1.017812 1.012296
13 6 2 0.8616255 0.984328 0.9272152 0.272596 0.8663854 711 1.027165 1.011536 1.008815 1.018496
14 7 2 0.8388385 0.9731023 0.9191129 1 0.8506516 8825 1 1 1 1


The following plot shows a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) for each intersection. This plot could be used for selecting different threshold of the classifier to make it more fair in some sense this is described in, e.g., HARDT, Moritz, PRICE, Eric and SREBRO, Nathan, 2016. Equality of Opportunity in Supervised Learning. arXiv:1610.02413.

Precision-Recall Curve

The following plot shows a Precision-Recall Curve for each intersection.

Permutation Variable Importance

Permutation variable importance is obtained by measuring the distance between prediction errors before and after a feature is permuted; only one feature at a time is permuted.

Variable Relative Importance Scaled Importance Percentage
1 loan_to_value_ratio 0.0371030658080262 1 0.614613500967895
2 loan_amount 0.00952262914395156 0.256653431099799 0.15774266382367
3 property_value 0.00795377124935635 0.214369650489523 0.13175448138863
4 intro_rate_period 0.00337937303680622 0.0910806954414851 0.0559794250958818
5 income 0.00240928764094089 0.0649350016897986 0.0399099287239233

Partial Dependence Plots for Individual Protected Groups

The following plots show partial dependence for each intersection separately. This plot can be used to see how the membership to a particular intersection influences the dependence on a given feature.

SHAP plot for Individual Protected Groups

The following plots show SHAP contributions for individual intersections and one feature at a time.This plot can be used to see how the membership to a particular intersection influences the dependence on a given feature.