Source code for h2o.scoring

from .utils.typechecks import is_type
from .frame import H2OFrame
from .expr import ExprNode
from .exceptions import H2OValueError

[docs]def make_leaderboard(object, leaderboard_frame=None, sort_metric="AUTO", extra_columns=[], scoring_data="AUTO"): """ Create a leaderboard from a list of models, grids and/or automls. :param object: List of models, automls, or grids; or just single automl/grid object. :param leaderboard_frame: Frame used for generating the metrics (optional). :param sort_metric: Metric used for sorting the leaderboard. :param extra_columns: What extra columns should be calculated (might require leaderboard_frame). Use "ALL" for all available or list of extra columns. :param scoring_data: Metrics to be reported in the leaderboard ("xval", "train", or "valid"). Used if no leaderboard_frame is provided. :return: H2OFrame :examples: >>> import h2o >>> from h2o.grid.grid_search import H2OGridSearch >>> from h2o.estimators.glm import H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator >>> h2o.init() >>> training_data = h2o.import_file("") >>> hyper_parameters = {'alpha': [0.01,0.5], ... 'lambda': [1e-5,1e-6]} >>> gs = H2OGridSearch(H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator(family='binomial'), ... hyper_parameters) >>> gs.train(y=3, training_frame=training_data) >>> h2o.make_leaderboard(gs, training_data) """ def _get_models(obj): if isinstance(obj, list): result = [] for o in obj: res = _get_models(o) if isinstance(res, list): result.extend(res) else: result.append(res) return result elif hasattr(obj, "leaderboard"): return [row[0] for row in obj.leaderboard.as_data_frame(use_pandas=False, header=False)] elif hasattr(obj, "model_ids"): return obj.model_ids elif hasattr(obj, "model_id"): return obj.model_id elif is_type(obj, str): return obj else: raise H2OValueError("Unsupported model_id!") model_ids = _get_models(object) assert is_type(model_ids, [str]) if scoring_data.lower() not in ("auto", "train", "valid", "xval"): raise H2OValueError("Scoring data has to be set to one of \"AUTO\", \"train\", \"valid\", \"xval\".") m_frame = H2OFrame._expr(ExprNode( "makeLeaderboard", model_ids, leaderboard_frame.key if leaderboard_frame is not None else "", sort_metric, extra_columns, scoring_data)) return m_frame