Sparkling Water and Zeppelin ---------------------------- Because Sparkling Water exposes the Scala API, it is possible to access it directly from the Zeppelin's notebook cell marked by the ``%spark`` tag. Launch Zeppelin with Sparkling Water ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using Sparkling Water from Zeppelin is easy because Sparkling Water is distributed as a Spark package. In this case, before launching Zeppelin, an addition shell variable is needed: .. code:: bash export SPARK_HOME=...# Spark 2.0 home export SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS="--packages ai.h2o:sparkling-water-examples_2.11:SUBST_SW_VERSION" bin/ -Pspark-2.0 The above command uses Spark 2.0 and the corresponding Sparkling Water package. Using Zeppelin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The use of the Sparkling Water package is directly driven by the Sparkling Water API. For example, getting ``H2OContext`` is straightforward: .. code:: scala %spark import org.apache.spark.h2o._ val hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate(spark) Creating an ``H2OFrame`` from a Spark ``DataFrame``: .. code:: scala %spark val df = sc.parallelize(1 to 1000).toDF val hf = hc.asH2OFrame(df) Creating a Spark ``DataFrame`` from an ``H2OFrame``: .. code:: scala %spark val df = hc.asDataFrame(hf)