Change Log ========== v2.4.13 (2019-06-24) -------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1140 `__ - Add more logging to discover intermittent RSparkling Issue in jenkins tests - `SW-1318 `__ - add back to JavaH2OContext method asDataFrame(.., SQLContext) but deprecated - `SW-1321 `__ - Remove mention of H2O UDP from user documentation - `SW-1322 `__ - Fix wrong doc in ssl.rst -> val conf: H2OConf = // generate H2OConf file - `SW-1323 `__ - Model ID not available on our algo pipeline wrappers - `SW-1338 `__ - Follow up fixes after RSparkling change - `SW-1339 `__ - Use s3-cli instead of s3cmd because of performance reasons on nightlies - `SW-1340 `__ - Fix spinx warning - `SW-1342 `__ - Fix dist - `SW-1343 `__ - Fix dist structure - `SW-1345 `__ - Fix missing rsparkling in dist package - `SW-1347 `__ - Scaladoc not uploaded to S3 after porting make-dist to gradle - `SW-1359 `__ - Fix wrong links on nightly build page - `SW-1360 `__ - Explicitly send hearbeat after we have complete flatfile - `SW-1361 `__ - sparkling water package on maven should assembly jar - `SW-1362 `__ - in distribution contains wrong version - `SW-1364 `__ - Rename SVM to SparkSVM - `SW-1374 `__ - Minor documentation fixes - New Feature - `SW-1021 `__ - Upload RSparkling to S3 in a form of R repository - `SW-1353 `__ - Introduce logic flatting data frames with arbitrarily nested structures - Improvement - `SW-554 `__ - Include all used dependency licenses in the uber jar. - `SW-1308 `__ - Bundle Sparkling Water jar into rsparkling -> making rsparkling version dependent on specific sparkling water - `SW-1317 `__ - Unify repl acros different rel branches - `SW-1325 `__ - Expose jks_alias in Sparkling Water - `SW-1326 `__ - Include SW version in more log statements - `SW-1327 `__ - Support Spark 2.4.1 and 2.4.3 - `SW-1330 `__ - Add additional log to H2O cloudup in internal backend mode - `SW-1331 `__ - Create local repo with RSparkling - `SW-1332 `__ - [RSparkling] Make installation from S3 the default recommended option - `SW-1333 `__ - Move the conversion logic from Spark Row to H2O RowData to a separate entity - `SW-1334 `__ - Store H2O models in transient lazy variables of SW Mojo models - `SW-1335 `__ - Make automl tests more deterministic by using max_models instead of max_runtime_secs - `SW-1341 `__ - Use readme as main dispatch for documentation - `SW-1346 `__ - Remove chache and unpersist call in SpreadRDDBuilder - `SW-1348 `__ - Switch to s3 cli on release pipelines - `SW-1349 `__ - Use withColumn instead of select in MOJO models - `SW-1350 `__ - Fix links to doc & scaladoc on nightly builds - `SW-1352 `__ - Upgrade H2O to - `SW-1365 `__ - Run only last build in jenkins - `SW-1369 `__ - Download page is missing one step on RSparkling tab -> library(rsparkling) - `SW-1371 `__ - Create maven repo on our s3 for each release and nightly - `SW-1373 `__ - Update DBC documentation with respoect to latest RSparkling development v2.4.12 (2019-06-03) -------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1259 `__ - Unify ratio param across pipeline api - `SW-1287 `__ - Use RPC endpoints to orchestrate cloud in internal mode - `SW-1290 `__ - Fix doc - `SW-1301 `__ - Fix class-loading for Sparkling Water assembly JAR in PySparkling - `SW-1311 `__ - Add numpy as PySparkling dependency ( it is required because of Spark but missing from list of dependencies) - `SW-1312 `__ - Warn that default value of convertUnknownCategoricalLevelsToNa will be changed to false on GridSearch & AutoML - `SW-1316 `__ - Fix wrong fat jar name - Task - `SW-1292 `__ - Benchmarks: Subproject Skeleton - Improvement - `SW-1212 `__ - Make sure python zip/wheel is downloadable from our release s3 - `SW-1274 `__ - On download page -> list all supported minor versions - `SW-1286 `__ - Remove Param propagation of MOJOModels from Python to Java - `SW-1288 `__ - H2OCommonParams in pysparkling - `SW-1289 `__ - Move shared params to H2OCommonParams - `SW-1298 `__ - Don't use deprecated methods - `SW-1299 `__ - Warn user that default value of predictionCol on H2OMOJOModel will change in the next major release to 'prediction' - `SW-1300 `__ - Upgrade to H2O - `SW-1304 `__ - Definition of assembly jar via transitive exclusions - `SW-1305 `__ - Move ability to change behavior of MOJO models to MOJOLoader - `SW-1306 `__ - Move make-dist logic to gradle - `SW-1307 `__ - Expose binary model in spark pipeline stage - `SW-1309 `__ - Fix xgboost doc - `SW-1313 `__ - Rename the 'create_from_mojo' method of H2OMOJOModel and H2OMOJOPipelineModel to 'createFromMojo' v2.4.11 (2019-05-17) -------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1256 `__ - Fix constructor of H2OMojoModel - `SW-1258 `__ - Remove internal constructors & Deprecate implicit constructor parameters for H2O Algo Spark Estimators( to be the same as in PySparkling) - `SW-1270 `__ - Fix version check in PySpakrling shell - `SW-1278 `__ - Clean workspace on the hadoop node in integ tests - `SW-1279 `__ - Fix inconsistencies between H2OAutoML, H2OGridSearch & H2OALgorithm - `SW-1281 `__ - Fix bad representation of predictionCol on H2OMOJOModel - `SW-1282 `__ - XGBoost can't be used in H2OGridSearch pipeline wrapper - `SW-1283 `__ - Correctly return mojo model in pysparkling after fit - Story - `SW-1271 `__ - Remove SparkContext from H2OSchemaUtils - `SW-1273 `__ - Upgrade to H2O - New Feature - `SW-1248 `__ - getFeaturesCols() should not return the fold column or weight column - `SW-1249 `__ - probability calibration does not work in Sparkling Water Dataframe API - Improvement - `SW-369 `__ - Override spark locality so we use only nodes on which h2o is running. - `SW-1216 `__ - Improve PySparkling README - `SW-1261 `__ - Remove binary H2O model from ML pipelines - `SW-1263 `__ - Don't require initializer call to be called during pysparkling pipelines - `SW-1264 `__ - Use default params reader in pipelines - `SW-1269 `__ - Remove six as dependency from PySparkling launcher ( six is no longer dependency) - `SW-1275 `__ - Remove unnecessary constructor in helper class - `SW-1280 `__ - Add predictionCol to mojo pipeline model v2.4.10 (2019-04-26) -------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1186 `__ - No need to pass properties defined in spark-defaults.conf to cli - `SW-1189 `__ - Fix Sparkling Water 2.1.x compile on Scala 2.10 - `SW-1194 `__ - RSparkling Can't be used on Spark 2.4 - `SW-1195 `__ - Disable gradle daemon via - `SW-1196 `__ - Fix - `SW-1203 `__ - Custom metric not evaluated in internal mode of Sparkling Water - `SW-1227 `__ - Change get-extended-jar to use https instead of http - `SW-1230 `__ - Fix typo in GLM API - getRemoteCollinearColumns, setRemoteCollinearColumns - `SW-1232 `__ - Fix RUnits after upgrading to Gradle 5.3.1 - Story - `SW-1198 `__ - Introduce new annotation deprecating legacy methods in API - `SW-1209 `__ - Rename the 'predictionCol' model parameter to 'labelCol' - `SW-1226 `__ - Introduce mechanism for enabling backward compatibility of MOJO files when properties are renamed - New Feature - `SW-1193 `__ - Expose weights_column parameter - Improvement - `SW-1188 `__ - RSparkling: Add ability to add authentication details when calling h2o_context(sc) - `SW-1190 `__ - Improve hint description for disabling automatic usage of broadcast joins - `SW-1199 `__ - Improve memory efficiency of H2OMOJOPipelineModel - `SW-1202 `__ - Simplify Sparkling Water build - `SW-1204 `__ - Fix formating in python tests - `SW-1208 `__ - Create pysparkling tests report file if it does not exist - `SW-1210 `__ - Add fold column to python and scala pipelines - `SW-1211 `__ - Automatically download H2O Wheel - `SW-1213 `__ - Upgrade to H2O - `SW-1214 `__ - Remove PySparkling six dependency as it was removed in H2O - `SW-1215 `__ - Automatically generate PySparkling README - `SW-1217 `__ - Automatically generate last pieces of doc subproject - `SW-1219 `__ - Remove suport for testing external cluster in manual mode - `SW-1221 `__ - Remove unnecessary branch check - `SW-1222 `__ - Remove duplicate readme file (contains old info & the correct info is in doc) - `SW-1223 `__ - Remove confusing meetup dir - `SW-1224 `__ - Upgrade to Gradle 5.3.1 - `SW-1228 `__ - Rename the 'ignoredColumns' parameter of H2OAutoML to 'ignoredCols' - `SW-1236 `__ - Reformat few python classes - `SW-1238 `__ - Parametrize EMR version in templates generation - `SW-1239 `__ - Remove old README and DEVEL doc files (not just pointer to new doc) - `SW-1240 `__ - Use minSupportedJava for source and target compatibility in build.gradle v2.4.9 (2019-04-03) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1162 `__ - Exception when there is a column with BOOLEAN type in dataset during H2OMOJOModel transformation - `SW-1177 `__ - In Pysparkling script, setting --driver-class-path influences the environment - `SW-1178 `__ - Upgrade to h2O - `SW-1180 `__ - Use specific metrics in grid search, in the same way as H2O Grid - `SW-1181 `__ - Document off heap memory configuration for Spark in Standalone mode/IBM conductor - `SW-1182 `__ - Fix random project name generation in H2OAutoML Spark Wrapper - New Feature - `SW-1167 `__ - Expose *search_criteria* for H2OGridSearch - `SW-1174 `__ - expose H2OGridSearch models - `SW-1183 `__ - Add includeAlgos to H2o AutoML pipeline stage & ability to ignore XGBoost - Improvement - `SW-1164 `__ - Add Sparkling Water to Jupyter spark/pyspark kernels in EMR terraform template - `SW-1171 `__ - Upgrade build to Gradle 5.2.1 - `SW-1175 `__ - Integrate with H2O native hive support v2.4.8 (2019-03-15) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1163 `__ - Expose missing variables in shared TF EMR SW tamplate - Improvement - `SW-1145 `__ - Start jupyter notebook with Scala & Python Spark in AWS EMR Terraform template - `SW-1165 `__ - Upgrade to H2O v2.4.7 (2019-03-07) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1150 `__ - hc.stop() shows 'exit' not defined error - `SW-1152 `__ - Fix RSparkling in case the jars are being fetched from maven - `SW-1156 `__ - H2OXgboost pipeline stage does not define updateH2OParams method - `SW-1159 `__ - Unique project name in automl to avoid sharing one leaderboard - `SW-1161 `__ - Fix grid search pipeline step on pyspark side - Improvement - `SW-1052 `__ - Document teraform scripts for AWS - `SW-1089 `__ - Document using Google Cloud Storage In Sparkling Water - `SW-1135 `__ - Speed up conversion between sparse spark vectors and h2o frames by using sparse new chunk - `SW-1141 `__ - Improve terraform templates for AWS EMR and make them part of the release process - `SW-1149 `__ - Allow login via ssh to created cluster using terraform - `SW-1153 `__ - Add H2OGridSearch pipeline stage to PySpark - `SW-1155 `__ - Test GBM Grid Search Scala pipeline step - `SW-1158 `__ - Generalize H2OGridSearch Pipeline step to support other available algos - `SW-1160 `__ - Upgrade to H2O v2.4.6 (2019-02-18) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1136 `__ - Fix bug affecting loading pipeline in python when stored in scala - `SW-1138 `__ - Fix several cases in spark vector -> h2o conversion - Improvement - `SW-1134 `__ - Add H2OGLM Wrapper to Sparkling Water - `SW-1139 `__ - Update mojo2 to 0.3.16 - `SW-1143 `__ - Fix s3 bootstrap templates for nightly builds - `SW-1144 `__ - Upgrade to H2O v2.4.5 (2019-01-29) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1133 `__ - Upgrade to H2O v2.4.4 (2019-01-21) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1129 `__ - Fix support for unsupervised mojo models - Improvement - `SW-1101 `__ - Update code to work with latest jetty changes - `SW-1127 `__ - Upgrade H2O to v2.4.3 (2019-01-17) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1116 `__ - Cannot serialize DAI model - Improvement - `SW-1113 `__ - Update to H2O - `SW-1115 `__ - Enable tabs in the documentation based on the language - `SW-1120 `__ - Prepare Terraform scripts for Sparkling Water on EMR - `SW-1121 `__ - Use getTimestamp method instead of _timestamp directly v2.4.2 (2019-01-08) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1107 `__ - NullPointerException at water.H2ONode.openChan( after upgrade to H2O - `SW-1110 `__ - Fix test suite to test PySparkling YARN integration tests on external backend as well - Task - `SW-1109 `__ - Docs: Change copyright year in docs to include 2019 - Improvement - `SW-464 `__ - Publish PySparkling as conda package - `SW-1111 `__ - Update H2O to v2.4.1 (2018-12-27) ------------------- Download at: ` `__ - Bug - `SW-1084 `__ - Documentation link does not work on the Nightly Bleeding Edge download page - `SW-1100 `__ - Fix Travis builds - `SW-1102 `__ - Fix Travis builds (test just scala unit tests) - Task - `SW-857 `__ - Make behaviour introduced by SW-851 as default in Spark 2.4 and up - Improvement - `SW-464 `__ - Publish PySparkling as conda package - `SW-995 `__ - Don't require implicit sqlContext parameter as part of asDataFrame as we can get it in spark session internally - `SW-1079 `__ - Upgrade to Spark 2.4 (Without making use the barier API so far) - `SW-1080 `__ - Fix deprecation warning regarding automl -> AutoML - `SW-1086 `__ - Re-enable RSparkling tests for master & rel-2.4 when SparklyR supports Spark 2.4 - `SW-1090 `__ - Upgrade shadowJar plugin - `SW-1091 `__ - Upgrade to Gradle 5.0 - `SW-1092 `__ - Updates to streaming app - `SW-1093 `__ - Update to H2O - `SW-1095 `__ - Enable GCS in Sparkling Water - `SW-1097 `__ - Properly integrate GCS with Sparkling Water, including test in PySparkling - `SW-1098 `__ - Fix pyspark dependency for pysparkling for Spark 2.4 - `SW-1106 `__ - Remove deprecated Gradle option in Gradle 5 - Docs - `SW-1083 `__ - Add Installation and Starting instructions to the docs v2.3.x (2018-03-29) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 2.3 brings support of Spark 2.3. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-2.3/CHANGELOG `__. v2.2.x (2017-08-17) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 2.2 brings support of Spark 2.2. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-2.2/CHANGELOG `__. v2.1.x (2017-03-02) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 2.1 brings support of Spark 2.1. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-2.1/CHANGELOG `__. v2.0.x (2016-09-26) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 2.0 brings support of Spark 2.0. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-2.0/CHANGELOG `__. v1.6.x (2016-03-15) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 1.6 brings support of Spark 1.6. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-1.6/CHANGELOG `__. v1.5.x (2015-09-28) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 1.5 brings support of Spark 1.5. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-1.5/CHANGELOG `__. v1.4.x (2015-07-06) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 1.4 brings support of Spark 1.4. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-1.4/CHANGELOG `__. v1.3.x (2015-05-25) ------------------- - Sparkling Water 1.3 brings support of Spark 1.3. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-1.3/CHANGELOG `__. v1.2.x (2015-05-18) and older ----------------------------- - Sparkling Water 1.2 brings support of Spark 1.2. - For detailed changelog, please read `rel-1.2/CHANGELOG `__.