Build Sparkling Water --------------------- Download and install Spark, and point the environment variable ``SPARK_HOME`` to the installation path. Then use the provided ``gradlew`` to build project. In order to build the whole project, including PySparkling, one of the following properties needs to be set: - ``H2O_HOME`` - should point to location of the local H2O project directory - ``H2O_PYTHON_WHEEL`` - should point to H2O Python Wheel If you are not sure which property to set, just run: .. code:: bash ./gradlew build The commands that set the ``H2O_PYTHON_WHEEL`` will be shown on your console and can be copy-pasted into your terminal. After setting the property, the build needs to be rerun. - To avoid running tests, use the ``-x test -x integTest`` or the ``-x check`` option. - To build only a specific module, use, for example, ``./gradlew :sparkling-water-examples:build``. - To build and test a specific module, use, for example, ``./gradlew :sparkling-water-examples:check``. Sparkling Water SUBST_SW_VERSION is built with Scala 2.11.