.. _parameters_H2OTargetEncoder: Parameters of H2OTargetEncoder ------------------------------ Affected Class ############## - ``ai.h2o.sparkling.ml.features.H2OTargetEncoder`` Parameters ########## - *Each parameter has also a corresponding getter and setter method.* *(E.g.:* ``label`` *->* ``getLabel()`` *,* ``setLabel(...)`` *)* blendedAvgEnabled If set, the target average becomes a weighted average of the posterior average for a given categorical level and the prior average of the target. The weight is determined by the size of the given group that the row belongs to. *Scala default value:* ``false`` *; Python default value:* ``False`` *Also available on the trained model.* blendedAvgInflectionPoint A parameter of the blended average. The bigger number is set, the groups relatively bigger to the overall data set size will consider the global target value as a component in the weighted average. *Default value:* ``10.0`` *Also available on the trained model.* blendedAvgSmoothing A parameter of blended average. Controls the rate of transition between a group target value and a global target value. *Default value:* ``20.0`` *Also available on the trained model.* foldCol A name of a column determining folds when ``KFold`` holdoutStrategy is applied. *Scala default value:* ``null`` *; Python default value:* ``None`` *Also available on the trained model.* holdoutStrategy A strategy deciding what records will be excluded when calculating the target average on the training dataset. Options: - ``None`` - All rows are considered for the calculation - ``LeaveOneOut`` - All rows except the row the calculation is made for - ``KFold`` - Only out-of-fold data is considered (The option requires foldCol to be set.) *Default value:* ``"None"`` *Also available on the trained model.* inputCols Names of columns that will be transformed. *Scala default value:* ``Array()`` *; Python default value:* ``[]`` *Also available on the trained model.* labelCol Label column name. *Default value:* ``"label"`` *Also available on the trained model.* noise Amount of random noise added to output values of training dataset. Noise addition can be disabled by setting the parameter to 0.0 *Default value:* ``0.01`` *Also available on the trained model.* noiseSeed A seed of the generator producing the random noise. *Scala default value:* ``-1L`` *; Python default value:* ``-1`` *Also available on the trained model.* outputCols Names of columns representing the result of target encoding. If the parameter is not specified by user, the output column names will be automatically derived from ``inputCols`` by appending the suffix `_te`. *Scala default value:* ``Array()`` *; Python default value:* ``[]`` *Also available on the trained model.*