Train Stacked Ensemble Model in Sparkling Water

Stacked Ensemble is a supervised machine learning algorithm that finds an optimal combination of a collection of prediction algorithms (base models). For further details about the algorithm and its parameters see H2O-3 documentation.

Sparkling Water provides API in Scala and Python for Stacked Ensemble. The following sections describe how to utilize Stacked Ensemble in both languages. See also Parameters of H2OStackedEnsemble.


First, let’s start Sparkling Shell as


Start H2O cluster inside the Spark environment

import ai.h2o.sparkling._
val hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate()

Parse the data using H2O and convert them to Spark Frame

import org.apache.spark.SparkFiles
val rawSparkDF ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv(SparkFiles.get("prostate.csv"))
val dataset = rawSparkDF.withColumn("CAPSULE", $"CAPSULE" cast "string")

Setup the algorithms the StackedEnsemble will operate with. StackedEnsemble will automatically train the corresponding (base) models and pass them to H2O backend when needed. There are currently two options how a meta-learner in StackedEnsemble combines the base models. It either utilizes cross validated predictions or uses a blending frame. In the former case, it’s important to keep the same folding across the base models and set setKeepCrossValidationPredictions to true as the cross-validated predicted values will be used by meta-learner. Furthermore, as the Stacked Ensemble combines the base models inside an H2O backend the base models have to be available there as well and therefore setKeepBinaryModels has to be set to true too.

import{H2ODRF, H2OGBM, H2OStackedEnsemble}
val drf = new H2ODRF()

val gbm = new H2OGBM()

Then, specify the algorithms when setting up the StackedEnsemble and train it.

val ensemble = new H2OStackedEnsemble()
    .setBaseAlgorithms(Array(drf, gbm))

You can also get raw model details by calling the getModelDetails() method available on the model as:


Run Predictions



First, let’s start PySparkling Shell as


Start H2O cluster inside the Spark environment

from pysparkling import *
hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate()

Parse the data using H2O and convert them to Spark Frame

import h2o
frame = h2o.import_file("")
sparkDF = hc.asSparkFrame(frame)
dataset = sparkDF.withColumn("CAPSULE", sparkDF.CAPSULE.cast("string"))

Setup the algorithms the StackedEnsemble will operate with. StackedEnsemble will automatically train the corresponding (base) models and pass them to H2O backend when needed. There are currently two options how a meta-learner in StackedEnsemble combines the base models. It either utilizes cross validated predictions or uses a blending frame. In the former case, it’s important to keep the same folding across the base models and set setKeepCrossValidationPredictions to true as the cross-validated predicted values will be used by meta-learner. Furthermore, as the Stacked Ensemble combines the base models inside an H2O backend the base models have to be available there as well and therefore setKeepBinaryModels has to be set to true too.

from import H2ODRF, H2OGBM, H2OStackedEnsemble
drf = H2ODRF()

gbm = H2OGBM()

Then, specify the algorithms when setting up the StackedEnsemble and train it.

ensemble = H2OStackedEnsemble()
ensemble.setBaseAlgorithms([drf, gbm])

ensemble_model =

You can also get raw model details by calling the getModelDetails() method available on the model as:


Run Predictions

ensemble_model.transform(testingDF).show(truncate = False)