.. _metrics_H2ORegressionGLMMetrics: H2ORegressionGLMMetrics Class ----------------------------- The class makes available all regression metrics supported by GLM algorithm. **Getter Methods** getAIC() **Returns:** AIC. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getCustomMetricName() **Returns:** Name of custom metric. *Scala type:* ``String``, *Python type:* ``string``, *R type:* ``character`` getCustomMetricValue() **Returns:** Value of custom metric. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getDataFrameSerializer() **Returns:** A full name of a serializer used for serialization and deserialization of Spark DataFrames to a JSON value within NullableDataFrameParam. *Scala type:* ``String``, *Python type:* ``string``, *R type:* ``character`` getDescription() **Returns:** Optional description for this scoring run (to note out-of-bag, sampled data, etc.). *Scala type:* ``String``, *Python type:* ``string``, *R type:* ``character`` getLoglikelihood() **Returns:** log likelihood. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getMAE() **Returns:** The mean absolute error for this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getMeanResidualDeviance() **Returns:** The mean residual deviance for this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getMSE() **Returns:** The Mean Squared Error of the prediction for this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getNobs() **Returns:** Number of observations. *Scala type:* ``Long``, *Python type:* ``int``, *R type:* ``integer`` getNullDegreesOfFreedom() **Returns:** null DOF. *Scala type:* ``Long``, *Python type:* ``int``, *R type:* ``integer`` getNullDeviance() **Returns:** null deviance. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getR2() **Returns:** The R^2 for this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getResidualDegreesOfFreedom() **Returns:** residual DOF. *Scala type:* ``Long``, *Python type:* ``int``, *R type:* ``integer`` getResidualDeviance() **Returns:** residual deviance. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getRMSE() **Returns:** The Root Mean Squared Error of the prediction for this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getRMSLE() **Returns:** The root mean squared log error for this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Double``, *Python type:* ``float``, *R type:* ``numeric`` getScoringTime() **Returns:** The time in mS since the epoch for the start of this scoring run. *Scala type:* ``Long``, *Python type:* ``int``, *R type:* ``integer``