



package sparkling

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with SchemaRelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider with DataSourceRegister

    Provides access to H2OFrame from pure SQL statements (i.e.

    Provides access to H2OFrame from pure SQL statements (i.e. for users of the JDBC server).

  2. case class H2OColumn(name: String, dataType: H2OColumnType.Value, min: Double, max: Double, mean: Double, sigma: Double, numberOfZeros: Long, numberOfMissingElements: Long, domain: Array[String], domainCardinality: Long, percentilesGetter: (String) ⇒ Array[Double]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. class H2OConf extends Logging with InternalBackendConf with ExternalBackendConf with Serializable

    Configuration holder which is representing properties passed from user to Sparkling Water.

  4. class H2OContext extends H2OContextExtensions

    Create new H2OContext based on provided H2O configuration

  5. class H2OCredentials extends Serializable

    A serializable versions of water.webserver.iface.Credentials

  6. class H2OFrame extends Serializable with RestEncodingUtils

    H2OFrame representation via Rest API

Value Members

  1. object H2OColumnType extends Enumeration
  2. object H2OConf extends Logging
  3. object H2OContext extends Logging
  4. object H2OFrame extends RestCommunication
  5. object SparkTimeZone
  6. object SparklingWaterDriver

    A simple wrapper to allow launching H2O itself on the top of Spark.

  7. object SparklingWaterWithHiveDriver

    A simple wrapper to allow launching H2O itself on the top of Spark.