
package jetty9

Type Members

  1. class LdapAesEncryptedBindPasswordLoginModule extends LdapLoginModule

    A custom Jetty login module which takes AES encrypted password from the config file, and decrypts it using AES CBC Key & IV provided through Spark config.

    A custom Jetty login module which takes AES encrypted password from the config file, and decrypts it using AES CBC Key & IV provided through Spark config. Created for a specific use case where the end user doesn't have access to Spark Session, but has access to LDAP config file. When no IV is provided an all zero IV is used.

    Example password encryption command: openssl aes-256-cbc -in -out file.out -iv 064df9633d9f5dd0b5614843f6b4b059 -K b38b730d4cc721156e3760d1d58546ce697adc939188e4c6a80f0e24e032b9b7 -base64 -nosalt

  2. class SparklingWaterJettyHelper extends Jetty9Helper