Reference |
Apply on H2O Datasets |
Convert an H2OFrame to a String |
Converts parsed H2O data into an R data frame |
Convert H2O Data to Factors |
Create H2OFrame |
Convert an H2OFrame to a matrix |
Convert H2O Data to Numeric |
Convert an H2OFrame to a vector |
Australia Coastal Data |
Returns the column names of an H2OFrame |
Returns the Dimensions of an H2OFrame |
Column names of an H2OFrame |
H2O R Interface |
Compute the absolute value of x |
Compute the arc cosine of x |
Retrieve an aggregated frame from an Aggregator model |
Build an Aggregated Frame |
Retrieve the Akaike information criterion (AIC) value |
Given a set of logical vectors, are all of the values true? |
Anomaly Detection via H2O Deep Learning Model |
Given a set of logical vectors, is at least one of the values true? |
Check H2OFrame columns for factors |
Sorts an H2O frame by columns |
Convert between character representations and objects of Date class |
Convert H2O Data to Characters |
Convert H2O Data to Factors |
Convert H2O Data to Numerics |
Rename an H2O object. |
Retrieve the AUC |
Automatic Machine Learning |
Get the between cluster sum of squares |
Return the respective bias vector |
H2O bottomN |
Combine H2O Datasets by Columns |
Take a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector with the smallest integers |
Retrieve the Model Centers |
Retrieve the Model Centers STD |
Retrieve centroid statistics |
Delete All H2O R Logs |
Retrieve the cluster sizes |
Print H2O cluster info |
Determine if an H2O cluster is up or not |
Return the status of the cluster |
Return the coefficients that can be applied to the non-standardized data. |
Return coefficients fitted on the standardized data (requires standardize = True, which is on by default). These coefficients can be used to evaluate variable importance. |
Return column names of an H2OFrame |
Obtain a list of columns that are specified by `coltype` |
Compute weighted gram matrix. |
Access H2O Confusion Matrices |
Connect to a running H2O instance. |
Correlation of columns. |
Compute the cosine of x |
Compute the hyperbolic cosine of x |
Trains a Cox Proportional Hazards Model (CoxPH) on an H2O dataset |
Data H2OFrame Creation in H2O |
Retrieve the cross-validation fold assignment |
Retrieve the cross-validation holdout predictions |
Retrieve the cross-validation models |
Retrieve the cross-validation predictions |
Return the cumulative max over a column or across a row |
Return the cumulative min over a column or across a row |
Return the cumulative product over a column or across a row |
Return the cumulative sum over a column or across a row |
Cut H2O Numeric Data to Factor |
Convert Milliseconds to Day of Month in H2O Datasets |
Convert Milliseconds to Day of Week in H2O Datasets |
Compute DCT of an H2OFrame |
Split H2O Dataset, Apply Function, and Return Results |
Setup a Decryption Tool |
Feature Generation via H2O Deep Learning or DeepWater Model |
Build a Deep Neural Network model using CPUs |
Determines whether Deep Water is available |
Build a Deep Learning model using multiple native GPU backends |
H2O Description of A Dataset |
Conduct a lag 1 transform on a numeric H2OFrame column |
Returns the number of rows and columns for an H2OFrame object. |
Column names of an H2OFrame |
Compute a pairwise distance measure between all rows of two numeric H2OFrames. |
Download the model in MOJO format. |
Download the Scoring POJO (Plain Old Java Object) of an H2O Model |
Download H2O Log Files to Disk |
Download H2O Data to Disk |
Shannon entropy |
Compute the exponential function of x |
Export an H2O Data Frame (H2OFrame) to a File or to a collection of Files. |
Export a Model to HDFS |
fillNA |
Filter NA Columns |
Find the threshold, give the max metric. No duplicate thresholds allowed |
Find the threshold, give the max metric |
Find synonyms using a word2vec model. |
Take a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector with the largest integers |
Open H2O Flow |
Access H2O Gains/Lift Tables |
Build gradient boosted classification or regression trees |
Get an R object that is a subclass of H2OAutoML |
Retrieve an H2O Connection |
Get an R Reference to an H2O Dataset, that will NOT be GC'd by default |
Get future model |
Extract full regularization path from a GLM model |
Get a grid object from H2O distributed K/V store. |
Get back-end distributed key/value store id from an H2OFrame. |
Get an R reference to an H2O model |
Fetchces a single tree of a H2O model. This function is intended to be used on Gradient Boosting Machine models or Distributed Random Forest models. |
Get the Time Zone on the H2O Cloud Returns a string |
Get the types-per-column |
Get h2o version |
Retrieve the GINI Coefficcient |
Fit a generalized linear model |
Generalized low rank decomposition of an H2O data frame |
Search for matches to an argument pattern |
H2O Grid Support |
Group and Apply by Column |
String Global Substitute |
Return the Head or Tail of an H2O Dataset. |
Compute A Histogram |
Retrieve the Hit Ratios |
Convert Milliseconds to Hour of Day in H2O Datasets |
H2O Apply Conditional Statement |
Import SQL table that is result of SELECT SQL query into H2O |
Import SQL Table into H2O |
Import Files into H2O |
Basic Imputation of H2O Vectors |
Initialize and Connect to H2O |
Insert Missing Values into an H2OFrame |
Categorical Interaction Feature Creation in H2O |
Check Client Mode Connection |
iSAX |
Check if character |
Check if factor |
Check if numeric |
Produce a k-fold column vector. |
Dump the stack into the JVM's stdout. |
Performs k-means clustering on an H2O dataset |
Kurtosis of a column |
Return the levels from the column requested column. |
List all H2O registered extensions |
List registered API extensions |
List registered core extensions |
List all of the Time Zones Acceptable by the H2O Cloud. |
Load H2O Model from HDFS or Local Disk |
Compute the logarithm of x |
Compute the log1p of x |
Compute the log2 of x |
Compute the log10 of x |
Log a message on the server-side logs |
Retrieve the Log Loss Value |
List Keys on an H2O Cluster |
Strip set from left |
Retrieve the Mean Absolute Error Value |
Create Model Metrics from predicted and actual values in H2O |
Set betas of an existing H2O GLM Model |
Value Matching in H2O |
Returns the maxima of the input values. |
Retrieve the mean per class error |
Retrieve the Mean Residual Deviance value |
Compute the frame's mean by-column (or by-row). |
H2O Median |
Merge Two H2O Data Frames |
H2O Model Metric Accessor Functions |
Returns the minima of the input values. |
Compute msec since the Unix Epoch |
H2O Prediction from R without having H2O running |
H2O Prediction from R without having H2O running |
Convert Milliseconds to Months in H2O Datasets |
Retrieves Mean Squared Error Value |
Remove Rows With NAs |
Count of NAs per column |
Compute naive Bayes probabilities on an H2O dataset. |
Column names of an H2OFrame |
String length |
Return the number of columns present in x. |
View Network Traffic Speed |
Get the number of factor levels for this frame. |
Disable Progress Bar |
Return the number of rows present in x. |
Retrieve the null deviance |
Retrieve the null degrees of freedom |
Retrieve the number of iterations. |
Count of substrings >= 2 chars that are contained in file |
View H2O R Logs |
H2O Data Parsing |
Get a parse setup back for the staged data. |
Partial Dependence Plots |
Model Performance Metrics in H2O |
Pivot a frame |
Principal component analysis of an H2O data frame |
H2O Prediction from R without having H2O running |
Print An H2OFrame |
Return the product of all the values present in its arguments. |
Convert Archetypes to Features from H2O GLRM Model |
Retrieve the pr_auc |
Quantiles of H2O Frames. |
Retrieve the R2 value |
Build a Random Forest model |
Returns a vector containing the minimum and maximum of all the given arguments. |
This function will add a new column rank where the ranking is produced as follows: 1. sorts the H2OFrame by columns sorted in by columns specified in group_by_cols and sort_cols in the directions specified by the ascending for the sort_cols. The sort directions for the group_by_cols are ascending only. 2. A new rank column is added to the frame which will contain a rank assignment performed next. The user can choose to assign a name to this new column. The default name is New_Rank_column. 3. For each groupby groups, a rank is assigned to the row starting from 1, 2, ... to the end of that group. 4. If sort_cols_sorted is TRUE, a final sort on the frame will be performed frame according to the sort_cols and the sort directions in ascending. If sort_cols_sorted is FALSE (by default), the frame from step 3 will be returned as is with no extra sort. This may provide a small speedup if desired. |
Combine H2O Datasets by Rows |
Reconstruct Training Data via H2O GLRM Model |
Reorders levels of an H2O factor, similarly to standard R's relevel. |
Remove All Objects on the H2O Cluster |
Delete Columns from an H2OFrame |
Replicate Elements of Vectors or Lists into H2O |
Retrieve the residual deviance |
Retrieve the residual degrees of freedom |
Delete Objects In H2O |
Retrieves Root Mean Squared Error Value |
Retrieve the Root Mean Squared Log Error |
Round doubles/floats to the given number of decimal places. |
Strip set from right |
Produce a Vector of Random Uniform Numbers |
Save an H2O Model Object to Disk |
Save an H2O Model Details |
Save an H2O Model Object as Mojo to Disk |
Scaling and Centering of an H2OFrame |
Retrieve Model Score History |
Standard Deviation of a column of data. |
Retrieve the standard deviations of principal components |
Set Levels of H2O Factor Column |
Set the Time Zone on the H2O Cloud |
Enable Progress Bar |
Shut Down H2O Instance |
Round doubles/floats to the given number of significant digits. |
Compute the sine of x |
Skewness of a column |
Split an H2O Data Set |
Compute the square root of x |
Builds a Stacked Ensemble |
Start Writing H2O R Logs |
Plot Standardized Coefficient Magnitudes |
Stop Writing H2O R Logs |
Display the structure of an H2OFrame object |
Compute element-wise string distances between two H2OFrames |
String Split |
String Substitute |
Substring |
Compute the frame's sum by-column (or by-row). |
Summarizes the columns of an H2OFrame. |
Singular value decomposition of an H2O data frame using the power method |
Cross Tabulation and Table Creation in H2O |
Tabulation between Two Columns of an H2OFrame |
Compute the tangent of x |
Compute the hyperbolic tangent of x |
Apply Target Encoding Map to Frame |
Create Target Encoding Map |
Convert a word2vec model into an H2OFrame |
Tokenize String |
Convert strings to lowercase |
H2O topN |
Get the total within cluster sum of squares. |
Get the total sum of squares. |
Convert strings to uppercase |
Transform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a word2vec model. |
Trim Space |
Truncate values in x toward 0 |
H2O Unique |
Variance of a column or covariance of columns. |
Plot Variable Importances |
Retrieve the variable importance. |
Convert Milliseconds to Week of Week Year in H2O Datasets |
Retrieve the respective weight matrix |
Which indice contains the max value? |
Which index contains the min value? |
Which indices are TRUE? |
Get the Within SS |
Trains a word2vec model on a String column of an H2O data frame |
Determines whether an XGBoost model can be built |
Build an eXtreme Gradient Boosting model |
Convert Milliseconds to Years in H2O Datasets |
The H2OAutoML class |
The H2OClusteringModel object. |
The H2OConnection class. |
The H2OConnectionMutableState class |
The H2OCoxPHModel object. |
The H2OCoxPHModelSummary object. |
The H2OFrame class |
Extract or Replace Parts of an H2OFrame Object |
H2O Grid |
The H2OLeafNode class. |
The H2OModel object. |
H2O Future Model |
The H2OModelMetrics Object. |
The H2ONode class. |
The H2OSplitNode class. |
The H2OTree class. |
United States Congressional Voting Records 1984 |
Edgar Anderson's Iris Data |
Check if character |
Check if factor |
Is H2O Frame object |
Check if numeric |
Trains an Isolation Forest model |
Logical or for H2OFrames |
Accessor Methods for H2OModel Object |
Column names of an H2OFrame |
S3 Group Generic Functions for H2O |
Plot an H2O Model |
Plot an H2O Tabulate Heatmap |
Predict on an AutoML object |
Predict on an H2O Model |
Predict the Leaf Node Assignment on an H2O Model |
Print An H2OFrame |
Print method for H2OTable objects |
Prostate Cancer Study |
Range of an H2O Column |
Predict class probabilities at each stage of an H2O Model |
Display the structure of an H2OFrame object |
Summary method for H2OCoxPHModel objects |
Format grid object in user-friendly way |
Print the Model Summary |
Use optional package |
Muscular Actuations for Walking Subject |