Shalala is a Scala library providing access to H2O API via a dedicated DSL and also a REPL integrated into H2O.
Currently the library supports following expressions abstracting H2O API.
R-like commands
ncol <frame>
nrow <frame>
head <frame>
tail <frame>
f(2) - returns 2. column
f("year") - returns column "year"
f(*,2) - returns 2. column
f(*, 2 to 5) - returns 2., 3., 4., 5. columns
f(*,2)+2 - scalar operation - 2.column + 2
f(2)*3 - scalar operation - 2.column * 3
f-1 - scalar operation - all columns - 1
f < 10 - transform the frame into boolean frame respecting the condition
H2O commands
keys - shows all available keys i KV store
parse("iris.csv") - parse given file and return a frame
put("a.hex", f) - put a frame into KV store
get("b.hex") - return a frame from KV store
jobs - shows a list of executed jobs
shutdown - shutdown H2O cloud
M/R commands
f map (Add(3)) - call of map function of all columns in frame
- function is (Double=>Double) and has to extend Iced
f map (Less(10)) - call of map function on all columns
- function is (Double=>Boolean)
To build Shalala sbt is required. You can get sbt from
To compile Shalala please type:
sbt compile
Shalala provides an integrated Scala REPL exposing H2O DSL. You can start REPL via sbt:
sbt run
val f = parse("smalldata/cars.csv")
f(2) // number of cylinders
f("year") // year of production
f(*, 0::2::7::Nil) // year,number of cylinders and year
f(7) map Sub(1000) // Subtract 1000 from year column
f("cylinders") map (new BOp {
var sum:scala.Double = 0
def apply(rhs:scala.Double) = { sum += rhs; rhs*rhs / sum; }
How to generate Eclipse project and import it into Eclipse?
Launch sbt shell
In sbt use the command eclipse to create Eclipse project files
> eclipse
In Eclipse use the Import Wizard to import the project into workspace
How to run REPL from Eclipse?
How to generate Idea project and import it?
Launch sbt
In sbt use the command gen-idea to create Idea project files
> gen-idea
In Idea open the project located in h2o-scala directory