
Supported HTTP methods and descriptions

GET k-means



Input parameters

  • destination_key, a Key

    Destination key. Since version 1

  • source, a Frame

    Source frame. Since version 1

Possible JSON error field returns:

  • Argument ‘source’ error: Argument ‘source’ is required, but not specified
  • cols, a int[]

    Input columns (Indexes start at 0). Since version 1

  • ignored_cols, a int[]

    Ignored columns by name and zero-based index. Since version 1

  • ignored_cols_by_name, a int[]

    Ignored columns by name. Since version 1

  • initialization, a Initialization

    Cluster initialization: None - chooses initial centers at random; Plus Plus - choose first center at random, subsequent centers chosen from probability distribution weighted so that points further from first center are more likey to be selected; Furthest - chooses initial point at random, subsequent point taken as the point furthest from prior point.. Since version 1

  • k, a int

    Number of clusters. Since version 1

Possible JSON error field returns:

  • Argument ‘k’ error: Argument ‘k’ is required, but not specified
  • max_iter, a int

    Maximum number of iterations before stopping. Since version 1

Possible JSON error field returns:

  • Argument ‘max_iter’ error: Argument ‘max_iter’ is required, but not specified
  • normalize, a boolean

    Whether data should be normalized. Since version 1

  • seed, a long

    Seed for the random number generator. Since version 1

Output JSON elements

  • response_info, a ResponseInfo

    Response stats and info.. Since version 1

  • h2o, a String

    H2O cloud name.. Since version 1

  • node, a String

    Node serving the response.. Since version 1

  • time, a long

    Request processing time.. Since version 1

  • status, a Status

    Response status. Since version 1

  • redirect_url, a String

    Redirect name.. Since version 1

  • job_key, a Key

    Job key. Since version 1

  • description, a String

    Job description. Since version 1

  • start_time, a long

    Job start time. Since version 1

  • end_time, a long

    Job end time. Since version 1

  • exception, a String

    Exception. Since version 1

  • state, a JobState

    Job state. Since version 1

HTTP response codes

200 OK Success and error responses are identical.