Data: Create FrameΒΆ

Create an H2O data frame with optional randomization; supports categoricals, integers, reals, and missing values.


Specify a name for the data frame..


Specify the number of rows.


Specify the number of columns.


Specify a random number seed.


To randomize the frame, check the randomize checkbox.


Specify a constant value. Only applicable if randomize is not enabled.

real range

Specify the range for real variables (-range ... range).

categorical fraction

Specify the fraction of categorical columns. Only applicable is randomize is enabled.


Specify the factor levels for categorical variables.

integer fraction

Specify the fraction of integer columns. Only applicable is randomize is enabled.

integer range

Specify the range for integer variables (-range ... range).

binary fraction

Specify the fraction of binary columns. Only applicable is randomize is enabled.

binary ones fraction

Specify the fraction of ones in binary columns.

missing fraction

Specify the fraction of missing values.

response factors

Specify the number of factor levels of the first column. Enter 1 for real, 2 for binomial, or N for multinomial.

has response

To generate an additional response column, check the has response checkbox.