Hadoop Glossary

Driver Jar File
Jar file that will allow Hadoop to drive an H2O launch as well as create a connection between HDFS and H2O for importing data from HDFS.
H2O makes Hadoop do math. H2O is an Apache v2 licensed open source math and prediction engine.
H2O Cluster
A group of H2O nodes that operate together to work on jobs. H2O scales by distributing work over many H2O nodes. (Note multiple H2O nodes can run on a single Hadoop node if sufficient resources are available.) All H2O nodes in an H2O cluster are peers. There is no “master” node.
H2O Key Value
H2O implements a distributed in-memory Key/Value store within the H2O cluster. H2O uses Keys to uniquely identify data sets that have been read in (pre-parse), data sets that have been parsed (into HEX format), and models (e.g. GLM) that have been created. For example, when you ingest your data from HDFS into H2O, that entire data set is referred to by a single Key.
H2O Node
H2O nodes are launched via Hadoop MapReduce and run on Hadoop DataNodes. (At a system level, an H2O node is a Java invocation of h2o.jar.) Note that while Hadoop operations are centralized around HDFS file accesses, H2O operations are memory-based when possible for best performance. (H2O reads the dataset from HDFS into memory and then attempts to perform all operations to the data in memory.)
An open source big-data platform. Cloudera, MapR, and Hortonworks are distro providers of Hadoop. Data is stored in HDFS (DataNode, NameNode) and processed through MapReduce and managed via JobTracker.
Hadoop Distributed File System is a distributed file-system that stores data on commodity machines, providing very high aggregate bandwidth across the cluster.
HEX format
The HEX format is an efficient internal representation for data that can be used by H2O algorithms. A data set must be parsed into HEX format before you can operate on it.
The JobTracker is the service within Hadoop that farms out MapReduce tasks to specific nodes in the cluster.
JobTracker port
Port where you can access the JobTracker. The default port might be different for each distribution.
Mapper Size
The memory allocated to each mapper task that will launch on each of the Hadoop Nodes.
MapReduce is Hadoop’s programming model for large scale data processing. H2O nodes are launched via Hadoop MapReduce and run on Hadoop DataNodes.
The parse operation converts an in-memory raw data set (in CSV format, for example) into a HEX format data set. The parse operation takes a data set named by a Key as input, and produces a HEX format Key,Value output.
An H2O node may choose to temporarily “spill” data from memory onto disk. (Think of this like swapping.) In Hadoop environments, H2O spills to HDFS. Usage is intended to function like a temporary cache, and the spilled data is discarded when the job is done.
A resource-management platform responsible for managing compute resources in clusters and using them for scheduling of users’ applications.