Tableau 8.1

Have H2O Installed

Perquisites :


Tableau requires a data input of some sort in order to run but when dealing with immensely big data as a H2O user would typically do, it is impractical and unnecessarily time consuming to feed all the data into Tableau. So the solution is to create a small metadata file that can be easily loaded from disk.

Note: in particular, geo attributes like cities and latitude/longitude coordinates need to be imported into Tableau. Aggregates and calculated fields cannot be converted so even if you have a vector of cities (New York City, San Francisco, Houston, Austin, Seattle) as a output from R into Tableau as a new measure the user cannot convert the measure into geographical points.

The metadata is just a file with factor levels of the data frame that’ll give a quick overview of the unique input values and cardinality of each column. This format will also allow the user to calculate across the table making it easier actually visualize some of the data coming from H2O. Example: if a column has a 352 categorical values and a binomial GLM is ran with 352 coefficients in the output, Tableau will allow the plotting of the coefficients against the column.

The following data is a truncated metadata file for 116 million rows airline data set. This metadata file in particular is only about 352 rows big. A extra column was prepend to the data file to grab the column names of the actual data set, this column will help populate certain parameters in the workbook.

Colnames          Year        Month   DayofMonth      DayOfWeek       UniqueCarrier   Origin  OCity
Year              1988            1           1       1                   PI          SYR     Syracuse
Month             1989            2           2       2                   PS          LGA     New York
DayofMonth        1990            3           3       3                   TW          JFK     New York
DayOfWeek         1991            4           4       4                   UA          UCA     Utica
DepTime           1992            5           5       5                   WN          CHO     Charlottesville
CRSDepTime        1993            6           6       6                   EA          CLT     Charlotte
ArrTime           1994            7           7       7                   HP          EWR     Newark
CRSArrTime        1996            8           8                           NW          LYH     Lynchburg
UniqueCarrier     1998            9           9                           CO          ROA     Roanoke
FlightNum         2000            10          10                          DL          BWI     Baltimore
TailNum           2001            11          11                          AA          MYR     Myrtle Beach
ActualElapsedTime 2003            12          12                          US          GSO     Greensboro
CRSElapsedTime    2004                        13                          AS          ISP     Islip
AirTime           2005                        14                          AQ          CHS     Charleston
ArrDelay          2006                        15                          MQ          ORF     Norfolk
DepDelay          2007                        16                          OO          BGM     Binghamton
Origin            2008                        17                          XE          LAX     Los Angeles
Dest                                          18                          EV          SEA     Seattle
Distance                                      19                          DH          SJC     San Jose

Create R, Tableau, and Data Connections

Step 1

Install Rserve which is the package built to create R servers, and once installed load up the Rserve library and run Rserve or run.Rserve with your desired port.

> install.packages("Rserve")
> library(Rserve)
> run.Rserve(port=6311)

Step 2

Open Demo_Template_8.1.twb which should have all the calculated fields containing R script already in the sidebar. Navigate to “Help > Settings and Performance > Manage R Connection” to establish a connection to the R serve.


Input the server ip address and port:


Step 3

Set the workbook’s connection to the airlines_meta.csv data by navigating to the data section on the left sidebar, right clicking on the airlines_meta and choosing to “Edit Connection.”


Simply provide the location of the airlines_meta.csv file and submit the new path.


Step 4

Configure the IP Address and Port that H2O will launch at as well as the path to the full airlines data file. Fill in the parameters to creating a new GLM model, for documentation on what the parameters represent visit our GLM documentation page Generalized Linear Model.


Execute Scripts


Double click on the calculated fields under Dimensions in the order they are listed:

  1. Execute “00 Load H2O and Tableau functions” to run library(h2o) and define other R functions to be used in Tableau.
  2. Execute “01 Init H2O & Parse Data” will run h2o.init() and h2o.importFile().
  3. Execute “02 Compute Aggregation with H2O’s ddply” will run h2o.ddply() and create measures for use in “Flights By Month” and “Flights By Airport” worksheets.
  4. Execute “03 Run GLM” to build a GLM model in H2O and grab back coefficient values that will be plotted in multiple worksheets.